All about Ryan
Ryan is a member of Odin DBRD.
Ryan has logged 652 beers a total of 804 times.
Ryan's favorite beer so far seems to be Fremont Barrel Aged B-Bomb Coffee Cinnamon:
100 (logged 2 times)

Ryan's favorite type of beer seems to be American India Pale Ale / IPA.
Ryan's Log

Clean, tasty. Fantastic sour profile.
Draft at Mox Boarding House, Bellevue

Subtly fruit angel, very light body, clean tack-free finish. A bit of funk in the middle as I didn't chill it but with light flavor and at 5.4% ABV it's a good dinner beer.

Can't tell how this was flavored but it passes my "not too sweet, not obviously fake" test and is quite quaffable.
Draft at Eastside Beerworks, Redmond

Sweet initial taste but disappears perfectly away and doesn't over stay it's welcome. Unmistakeable pineapple smell and taste, maybe that's what I really like. Whatever this is this is a perfect summer beer.

A bit of a funk going on but not too bad.
Draft at Chainline Brewing Company, Kirkland

A soft IPA, hops are almost obscured by hazy body but wait a bit and they're there.
Draft at Chainline Brewing Company, Kirkland

Love this. Not too sour, fresh sour smell no funk, tasty.
Draft at Chainline Brewing Company, Kirkland

This is a very well balanced IPA across hops and cereal. Enough bitterness to be a solid IPA but enough flavor to be pleasant. No distracting flavors or lingering tastes

Fremont Barrel Aged B-Bomb (2020)
Rummy molasses smell. I can't get over how flawless the taste is with this beer and how consistently great it is from year to year. Nothing that shouldn't be there and enough of what should be.

Bit of a funk in the smell and middle of taste, nothing atrocious but I'm not crazy about it either. At least it's light in body.

Light and crisp. The dragonfruit and raspberry flavors are present and not overdone.

'Ol reliable. Nothing over the top, nothing too syrupy, too sweet, too alcohol-y, too malty, too whatever. A great way to ring in the new year.

Light smell for something that tastes so strong. Something soapy and distracting in body.

Dark bitter smell, balsamic vinegar qualities. Smooth yet complex rich body. Good finish, nothing off lingering.

Strong smell of molasses, coffee, and cocoa. Strong fizzy forward. Acidic clean body. Was worried that it'd be too sweet but so far this is like a toasty pecan pie, sorta.

Espresso chocolate smell. Sweet burbony body omg so good.

Fresh hop smell and clean peppy taste. Just enough cereal flavor to carry things along.

Found cans at Humble Pie and couldn't pass up a new local coconut beer. After trying one, it's a cereal-y porter. Coconut maybe somewhere? I mean, not bad, but maybe I was expecting more? Maybe I drink too many IPAs so porters are boring?

Smooth and mellow. "Rich and malty," said the Wife, "with a dark roast coffee ending." I was going to say that too. Would easily buy this again.

Sticker Alt (2019)
Surprisingly light for as dark as it is, almost too light. Still good cereals and nothing overbearing.

Umami smell, almost shoyu. Sharp molasses and cereal flavor. Pecan presence is nice but you have to search for it. Finishes relatively cleanly which is nice considering how thick it seems.

Present but not assertive hop presence. Part tasty part boring. No real cereal presence. A serviceable IIPA.

Hoppy pumpkin spice smell and taste. Slight misalignment on hop profile to the category, but otherwise an enjoyable take on this seasonal.

Cinnamon and apple smell, very fall. Light, fizzy, clean body and not too sweet.

Peachy smell. Resinous hops start. Lacking cereal middle, and uninteresting finish with more of those hops. I'm not inspired but it's not bad.

Slightly resinous follow through but made up for with a pleasantly hoppy cerealness.

Fresh hop smell, fragrant and pleasant. Unboring evergreen hops flavor with something like banana going on there.

Great hops smell and even better broad hops flavor, a green slightly resinous type. Complementary cereal body.

Smooth start, smooth clean acidic finish. Not heavy. Roasted coffee flavor comes out after drinking along with oak flavor. The label and name had me concerned it was going to be gimmicky so unless this beer is using some food science trickery it's pretty legit. Also being from a can it lacks the metal twang of my last canned beer which is a nice bonus.

Fast tangy finish but gets lost in a strong caramel sweetness.

I wasn't expecting such a tasty beer. Maybe I've had a bad run of "bourbon barreled stouts" that weren't some pricy $20/bottle special release but this one is smooth and very quaffable.

So good. 10.7abv.
Draft at Black Raven Brewing Company, Redmond

Belgiany vinegar to sour. Scotch ale? Acrid finish.
Bottle at Big Block Brewing, Redmond

I might have changed my mind on pumpkin beers after this one. It's not sweet but has enough sweet pumpkin to give it character but remains generally dry and bubbly.

A bit sweeter than I usually want in a beer, but par for the course for pumpkin beers. Coffee and pumpkin flavors make it worthwhile.
Bottle at Bungie

A very quaffable beer. A mild hopped start and a sweet cereal finish. Hops reappear after finish, like a sneak attack after disabling your satellites, but a lot better than trapping the Traveler. More like a sweet new dance emote.
Finished the, beer. Bungie's the best, they gave us two bottles each.

A smooth yummy beer. Assertive aromatic wood smell. Sweet start, coconut cocoa finish.

Not a "pumpkin beer", this is a good thing.
Draft at Black Raven Brewing Company, Redmond

Sharp coffee and rum alcohol smell. Coffee roastiness to body and smooth bitter finish.

Sweet light malt body. Somewhat acidic finish. Pretty alcoholic after burn.
Bottle at Black Raven Brewing Company, Redmond

Yum yum. Very drinkable!
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Moderately strong resin bitterness on finish that lingers along with a bready taste.

Pleasant barely-there fruit essence with a clean malt taste. Appears unfiltered and I believe this adds to the overall goodness.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Sharp but deep dark chocolate and roasted peanut smell. Acidic taste starts the mood and lingers a bit before the bitters of chocolate and a mild peanut flavor start to develop. Surprisingly acidic.

Strong unnatural coconut flavor, like eating a Bounty or Almond Joy. I like it because coconut.
Draft at Microsoft Studio X, Redmond

Nice dark roasted malt taste.
Draft at Thirsty Hop, Kirkland

Strong fragrant peachy hop smell with. Thinner taste start than expected given the smell, finished with a fine roastiness. Mild bitter linger.

Pungent sour odor. Clean acidic fizzy taste with some metallic qualities, like a beet soda but without the sweetness.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Fantastic. Green hop and citrus smell. Great taste balance of hop pine, citrus tang, and malt sweetness.

Spicy dark warm aroma, like a molasses cookie. Dry stout start, pumpkin spiced finish.

Tangy and a somewhat reduced pumpkin spice flavor so not overwhelming or tacky.

Tangy sour body, clean finish. Straightforward.
Draft at Thirsty Hop, Kirkland

Unibroue labeled cork. Smell and taste has a liver quality, lingering meaty gray sort of taste. Nice bubbly quality.

Bright pine hop smell, smooth medium body and pleasant and slightly spicy hop finish. Cinnamon hints to finish.

Steely metallic element but it seems that could be the nitro. Milky finish.
Nitro Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Peachy no, moderate hop finish. Light enough to not bog down in hopness. Dry hop finish.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Perennial Sump (2015)
Yummy! Hint of cinnamon and cocoa in the delightful coffee flavor. Smooth body and finish. Slightly sweet finish. Pricy though.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Mild and smooth start, bordering watery, transitions to an oaked mild IPA.

Cold brew coffee smell. Acidic fizzy beginning bite, toasted toasty short bitter finish. Coffee malt body.

Strong IPA body and finish amd assertive cereal taste.
Bottle at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Meaty tasty cereal body, rounded bitter finish. No strong flavors pull one direction or another distracting from the overall beer. Yum!

Yummy. Light malt body with smooth rum finish. Good wood presence enhances flavor.

Smells great, almost unnaturally coconutty. Smooth coconut flavor to body and solid bitter finish.

Ninkasi Critical Hit (2012 Reserve)
Sweet thick malty smell, hints of complexity. Smooth body with fairly strong hop finish. Nothing remarkable in taste but nothing offensive.

Logsdon Seizoen (unknown release)
Moderate acidic clean start through to a clean open finish. Lemon and pineapple smell and a peachy sort of fruity cereal taste.

Bright hop smell, forward snappy hop taste and strong hop finish. Cereal taste is flat after the hops are accounted for.

Stronger bitter finish, bottle was sweetly bland by comparison.
Draft at Black Raven Brewing Company, Redmond

Rich plum and cereal smell. Salty plum hints in taste along with roasted caramel and slightly viscous malt. Good complexity to flavor.

Yeasty smell, sweet light body. Sweetness has a candy like element but not tacky.

Crisp yeasty smell. Acidic and clean wheat body with caramel tones.
Draft at Altstadt, Seattle

Fremont Barrel Aged B-Bomb Coffee Cinnamon (unknown release)
Complex cinnamon flavor, rich cereal sweetness.

Deep malt smell, lingering malty mouthfeel and taste. Not sweet but viscous.

Citrus yeast hop smell. Tangy cereal taste, moderate hop finish.

Drunk slowly the heat doesn't add up and the cocoa can be appreciated for its non-viscous, roasted qualities. A very enjoyable beer.

Hop fragrance in body, lightly sweet cerealness. Bright hop finish. Refreshing.

Clean simple malts with sweet finish and peach yeastiness. None-to-mild hop end.

Smooth light cola malt smell. Caramel malt taste, velvety texture but not tacky, hints of maple.

Standard hop smell. Almost balanced taste but hop signature gets a little acrid at the end.

Ecliptic Helix Hoppy Lager (unknown release)
Light thin watery body and taste. Light hops.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Pleasing chocolate with mint hints in finish. Nice stout body.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Smooth coffee taste, like a cappuccino but without any sweetness. Once you get through the head the beer becomes more brown ale, less coffee more malt.
Nitro Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Tart start, spicy finish with hints of the pepper's fruit. Sweet light cider middle. The heat of the pepper is moderately strong but doesn't get worse after repeated drinks.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Light cereal body with a light sweet followup. Clean finish with a pleasing follow through.
Draft at Hi-Fi Brewing Company, Redmond

I taste peanut butter, brown cereal. Thin body.
Draft at Hi-Fi Brewing Company, Redmond

Nutty cereal smell. Nutty finish carries the peanut butter, not a sugary sweet pb taste. Smooth finish.
Draft at Hi-Fi Brewing Company, Redmond

Thin acrid bitter edge, burned hops. Thin body, light malts cause this to not come off as balanced.
Draft at Hi-Fi Brewing Company, Redmond

Logsdon Kili Wit (2015)
Yeasty spongy smell. Clean slightly sharp starting taste, transitions to wet empty tartness. Thin body bit finishes slightly tangy, like unripened pineapple. Refreshing. Coriander is present in the finish I think, a musty herby presence.

Perennial Sump (2014)
Sweet graham coffee smell. Great taste, slightly sour middle bit the roasty cereal pulls through. Smooth for as high an ABV as it is, moderately thick viscosity. Solid coffee flavor.
Draft at The Collective On Tap, Woodinville

Very malty presence with pleasing cinnamon hints. Smokey finish.
Draft at Father's Office, Los Angeles

Fragrant sweet malt body, hop finish with slightly peppery and interesting complexity.

Mango wheat smell. Thin body with almost unbalanced bitter tedious character.

Roasty chocolaty smell. Slightly viscous moderately strong chocolate malt taste. Smooth bitterness. Nothing stands apart, all works together.

Light smell. Mild taste. Served particularly cold so that likely affected things.

Dry hopped with amarillo. Sweet apricot cereal smell, hint of fizzy orange. Well rounded taste of malt sweet, yeast character, and hop bitter. This is a really good cask beer.
Cask at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Heady cereal smell, roasted brown sugar malt taste without the sweetness.

Rich wheat berry smell with hints of fruity rye. Apricot hints with pleasant rye qualities all around.

Thin body and watery taste, this is sessionable I suppose?

Real nice bready smell. Warm malt with good hop character and quick.

Black Raven La Mort Rouge (2015)
Nice maroon hue sets the tone. Tannic cab/zinf smell with stout qualities. Thin to medium body with some sugar tack at the end. Moderate tangy qualities.

Like a dry vanilla soda with malt and cola taste added.

Green hop smell with cantaloupe. Moderate cereal body with assertive but tasteful hops.

Light sweet green sapling smell. Mild cereal body and wet hop finish.

Thin but present cereal body, slightly acidic hopped finish.

Solid cereal flavor, not what I expected which was more bitterness.

Solid cereal taste, light but full, like a graham cracker. Light hop finish.

Plain stout body with spicy fringe and finish. Heat is a peppery variety versus a oily hot sheen. Okay as a sample but would not want to drink an entire bottle of this.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Interesting malt body with dry chocolate touches, acidic and tangy cherry finish. Quick end and leaves enough to appreciate, not a sweet beer which is great because otherwise the flavors would be masked.

Seems fairly thin for an imperial stout but solid roasted bitterness.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Sweet start and spicy finish. Thin body, wet sweet.

Smoked hop smell. Sweet start and full sweetness in body bit without actually being sweet. Smoke shows up at finish again.

Black Raven Raven de Brett (2014)
Fragrant perfume smell-- citrus sour magnolia. Bitter body and dry bitter finish.

Smells like a crisp evergreen mountain. Good dimensional bitterness from start to finish but ending lingers like resin. Mild pleasant cereal sweetness.

Soapy hop start. Strong hop bitter finish.
Draft at Postdoc Brewing, Redmond

Resinous finish, keeps getting stronger. Not a very interesting cereal body.
Draft at Postdoc Brewing, Redmond

Soft start. Drying slightly acidic finish.
Draft at Postdoc Brewing, Redmond

Better body than the normal porter. Moderate coffee presence. Drying finish.
Draft at Postdoc Brewing, Redmond

Slightly sweet malt start, some acidity. Drying effect at end.
Bottle at Postdoc Brewing, Redmond

Light touch body. Very interesting edge-of-tongue effect, drying like. Sourish finish.
Draft at Postdoc Brewing, Redmond

Very light body, slight acidity. Tiny bit banana at end.
Draft at Postdoc Brewing, Redmond

Green hop smell. Remotely-spicy tangy sort of hop finish, like mango but without the sweetness, that warm flavor. Unique and quite good. Solid cereal body.

Good on draft! What's up with the recent bottles? Has the flavor one's looking for in this beer.

Very tasty pale ale. Good hop presence and cereal taste.

Fizzy and slightly acidic. Bitterness is okay but overall beer is unremarkable.

Sour prune start on tongue, candy middle like those sweet tart candies, cola-like finish.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Sweet syrup smell. Drier taste from the bottle, a bit less body, more acidic finish. Noticeably lighter than on draft. Still good.

Way too drinkable. Creamy caramel smell. Sweet finish to body.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Pleasing fine peppery spicy finishing taste. Good sweet cereal body. Bit of a sharp astringent quality and finishes with good sudsy hoppedness.
Draft at Pine Lake Ale House, Sammamish

Light Sweet green-hop smell. Light body, sudsy hop finish, more floral than citrus hop but interesting nonetheless.
Draft at Pine Lake Ale House, Sammamish

Bright green-hop smell, almost cedar in quality, mango qualities. Solid cereal body, faint sweetness, with pleasing fruity bitterness.

Pike Entire Wood Aged Stout (2014)
Cherry sort of wood smell. Decent acidic bite and sharp wood/alcohol presence in the finish. Mostly clean stop minus some tack.

Astringent alcohol smell on head and vapor present after each taste. Pleasant body but confused with the alcohol. Had a taster, would be willing to try it out again.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Perhaps not coincidentally named, this is an easily drinkable black IPA. Thin black body with some bitter punch at the end. Not terribly interesting but also would probably make a reliable beer.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Smells of rich cherrywood and espresso. Silky but light cinnamon presence, my biggest worry was of too-present cinnamon, is no where to be tasted. Toasted malt body finishes as a warm coffee-bread. The mix of flavors are so smooth they hint towards coconut. There is nothing tacked-on with these flavors-- they are blended so well that even though I taste the underlying Abominable (by itself a fantastic beer) this is effectively a new beer.

I spilled my first glass of this and suddenly I smelled university party, pilsner! After recovering from wasting a perfectly good beer, I started again. Yeasty middle with a slightly sharp and somewhat tangy finish. Thin acidic profile with a clean finish. Good beer to accompany food.

Freeway sudsy hop smell. Pleasant sweet fruity peach/citrus wheat body with a finishing bitter flourish.

Fresh brought IPA smell. Lingering resinous bitterness but a roasty malt character continues further.

Strong warm coffee with mocha and hopped cereal smell. Nice sour clean cereal start, thin body, smooth finish. Tastes like it smells, no surprises. Rich taste with some lingering richness.

Bright hopped warmer smell. Mild thin start quickly warms up and remains mild but cereal tastiness comes out. Approachable and drinkable.

No smell. Tart dry start. Pleasant-ish cereal taste.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

Moderate bourbon/chocolate smell. The cocoa taste might start to add up in larger volume but as a taster the peppery cocoa was balanced with a bourbon body.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Smells like a Tootsie Roll with coffee. Light taste, light body. Smooth.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Light smell of fizzy. Light body.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Warm cereal smell. Acidic bite to finish. Alcohol presence in middle taste.

Sour apple essence to smell. Dry finish follows sweet sour yeasty cereal taste.

Watered down berry--mostly cranberry-- smell. Tart start, quick dry end. Light overall character, buttery finish.

Spicy sweet-roast taste, moderately complex body taste and viscosity. Spiciness ads up over time and starts to linger more, but is overall pleasant.
Showing 200 of 804 log entries