The Collective On Tap
17802 134th Ave NE #6
Woodinville, WA, United States of America
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Roasty, burnt caramel sweetness. Condensed milk finish. Slightly tacky in the throat.

Kicks you in the face with chili, chocolate, cinnamon. Overtly sweet. Not subtle at all, which is fine in small doses, but hard to imagine a full glass of this.

Slightly odd opening, like cough syrup, but resolves quickly into a pleasantly tart, cherry flavor. Slight salt on the lips.

Piney IPA with a medium, pithy finish. Decent IPA, just a tad more bitter than I really like.

What I'd expect from this brewery - bright, fresh hop flavors but also refreshing and super-drinkable. Light bubblegum and pine, with a fruity/wood resin finish totally without pith or bitterness.

Light, effervescent, cereal beer with some mellow sweetness from the rice and some bright florality. Really nice.

I taste more hop fragrance and pine than I do amber lager here; a bit of caramel but not a lot of overt cereal. Pretty tasty, though.

Sweet-ish, roast coffee dominates here; it's almost like a carbonated coffee more than a beer. A little intense, but I recognize the flavors are good and pretty much in balance despite the strength.

Not like a gin & tonic at all, other than there being some lime present, but actually pretty good. Salty gose finish almost brings a margarita to mind, but there's very little booze character present to nail the idea - either gin or tequila.

Oddly I just retro-logged the Oola version of this last night. Somewhat dry stout with some chocolate notes. Lots of whiskey presence, a slightly spicy flavor. It was good, but not a top tier barrel-aged beer.

Surprisingly sweet, strong grain flavor not very bitter. Not a lot of whiskey flavors.

A light, caramel brown with a sweetness reminiscent of a nitro ale but picked up with good carbonation. Very pleasant, if not deep.

Good dose of yeast bitterness and funkiness. Dark fruit flavors

Clearly an IPA, this opens resinous and bitter, before fading into peppery Belgian spice and a smooth malt finish. It's kind of the opposite of how most IPAs go, and the opening nearly killed this for me. The finish is nice, though, and the beer clear and beautiful.

Tastes more like a spiced, thin brown than the hearty, bready experience I associate with doppelbocks. It sure had the booze, though. Enjoyable, but not nearly as good as the Bob's.

A little less awesome than at Brouwer's. I think the anise was more at the forefront this time, and I also had to stare at everyone else's Lagunitas High Westified at the same time.

Georgetown Bob's Brown Ale (2015)
A very, very nice brown ale: malt and caramel, bready and sweet.. Believe the hype, I guess?

A very solid Belgian with good caramel flavors. Not so much on the exotic spices and it was rather less -- profound, maybe? -- than I prefer in a pricy quad, but there's really very little to complain about.

A light refreshing body with an enjoyable saison yeast tang. Also has a very subtle sour flavor to it.

Perennial Sump (2014)
Inky-thick stout with a rich, lightly sweet coffee flavor. This may have been the most coffee-like coffee beer I've ever had. You might have even fooled me into thinking that this wasn't even a beer at all, actually. Really delicious!

Perennial Sump (2014)
Sweet graham coffee smell. Great taste, slightly sour middle bit the roasty cereal pulls through. Smooth for as high an ABV as it is, moderately thick viscosity. Solid coffee flavor.

Lagunitas High West-ified Imperial Coffee Stout (unknown release)
We all avoided this at Big Wood because someone said it wasn't great, but this was really, really good. Just enough rye against a good coffee stout flavor wrapped in a creamy froth of a finish. No cloying anything. (7 oz schooner)

Old Schoolhouse Imperial Stout (unknown release)
An exceptionally well-balanced stout. No frills, just thick enough, sweet enough, roasted enough -- so smooth and drinkable. Oh, and get your minds out of the gutter.

A confection for sure - lots of maple and bourbon in the nose & flavor; sweet, but not cloying. The base beer appears to be a light brown ale with a good, clear yeasty nuttiness, which grounds the whole flavor. A good one to start - or finish - with. (7 oz schooner)

A taster. Malty-sweet resinous IPA. If there's spice in here it's hard to tell because it goes straight to pithy bitterness almost immediately and stays that way.

A bit grassy, followed by helles-like sweetness, trending toward bubblegum, but with a dry pilsner-like finish. Quite solid.

Very smooth to open, with some clean chocolate notes. Finishes slightly bitter and with a noticeable chili kick, which builds up over time. Leaves the mouth feeling clean.

Oatmeal, bittersweet chocolate and roasted malts, incredibly smooth.
Nitro Draft

Rounded dubbel with a really appealing vinous character imparted by the Chardonnay barreling. Not funky, just clean and fruity.

Chocolatey and sweet with a finish that turns more toward coffee bitterness. Hop presence was not as overt as the Choklat and I think that this suffered for it - a smoother finish made the sweetness a bit over the top.

Thick, condensed, sweet (but not syrupy!) stout that's obviously been pleasingly smoothed out with aging. Hints of more complexity behind the scenes - wood, or, seed-spice, or something.

I really liked this. Faintly sweet, with kind of a corn flavor and a slight tanginess that offsets it nicely. Touch of spice & a barely bitter finish. Refreshing and tasty!

Barest of tastes, but it was very promising. Dry, with a bit of tang, followed by a pilsner-like bitterness.

Strong roasty coffe taste, doesn't hide its higher APV though.

Almanac Farmer's Reserve Pluot (unknown release)
Missed opportunity for notes. I remember this being delicious, but a month and a half on, I don't remember much else.

I don't know how trustworthy my taste was at this point, but I really enjoyed this. Fragrant and floral but also clearly still a pilsner, combining very harmoniously. I'd compare this to the Ninkasi Pravda, but with much more overtly American hop flavor.

NW Peaks Snowfield Winter Ale (unknown release)
Has a ginger taste at the start which transitions into a classic winter ale taste. I like it!

It may be the aging or just being on draft, but this was awesome. Less sweet than your typical bourbon barrel stout, but with a good amount of complexity and a totally integrated flavor. Not too thick and with a totally clean finish. Yum.

Starts like a decent, robust stout with slight sweetness and a bitter backbone. At first it's not noticeable, but chili builds up in the back of the throat over the course of a glass. -- a high, dry, spice that I'd have preferred come with more smoke and fruit of the pepper.

I wanted to like this a lot, but it was at once more hoppy than I was looking for, in a fruity and piney way, and also just maybe the most carbonated beer on Earth. I'd like to give this a try again someday with a clean palate, though. It seemed like there was something worthwhile in there.

Light apple, good crisp taste from the hopping. No tacky finish but an almost-nothing taste, like water.

Like drinking an Andes mint, with just a touch of oak. Super clean finish. Really good!
Nitro Draft

Fragrant, hoppy, brown -- a typical Lagunitas flavor profile. I liked it but probably won't remember it for a long time.

Funky amber lager with a sweet malty backbone and creamy texture. The funk and malt never seem to balance out, but it was decent.

Clean hop smell. Snappy hop front taste, short lingering hop. Good malt biscuit middle the continues into the finish also.

The hop profile is reminiscent of a Black IPA, dry and caramel-toasty, more bitter than floral. Very pleasant for the style.

I bet it would've been better if it wasn't nitro. Still not bad tho.
Nitro Draft

Mild flavor profile, has a fizzy acidic quality on the finish.

My sandwich blew out my taste buds so I can't trust my judgment, but I think it was a thin, possibly watery, pleasant tasting porter with a subtly sweet character.

Deschutes Hop Trip Fresh Hop Pale Ale (unknown release)
I believe this was a well bodied (cerealed) pale ale with just minimal bitters.

Sharper soap smell, that fragrance of the hops. Tangy bitter finish doesn't mix well with the cereal body.

Epic Fermentation Without Representation Imperial Pumpkin Porter (unknown release)

Epic Fermentation Without Representation Imperial Pumpkin Porter (unknown release)
Oooh. Very nice, mellow and clean. Nice chocolate and subtle spice finish in a thin but flavorful porter.

Deschutes Jubelale (2013)
Malty with some good caramel. A little too much bitterness and I already had a headache. Nitro was a nice change but I'm still not generally a fan of the flavor you get from it.
Nitro Draft

Slight soapy hop smell. Cereal lingers just as long as a thin bitterness. Real nice hop pepperiness in body and aftertaste. Tasty!

All the smoothness of a nitro stout without actually being nitro, and since I don't think I've taken to the strange flavor quality imparted by nitro, this was a good thing.

A tan ale with a crisp, dry flavor and a really interesting mix of spices... primarily cinnamon, but also cocoa and... chile? I really liked this.

Served very cold so smell is muted, though the hops are there. Body is thin and I'm getting a metallic sort of effect on the teeth. The bitters that remain are of the roasty nature. There is a coconut after taste but need to search for it.

This is an awesome beer - very mellow to start off, and you get the quintessential stout aftertaste at the end. Would definitely have this every time!
Nitro Draft

Firestone Walker Double DBA (2013)
Hoppier on draft, which somehow makes it more characterful but somewhat less drinkable.

Just like dropping a watermelon flavored Jolly Rancher in a weak beer.

My first nitro India Ale, and it was a nice, smooth experience. Paired with strong food it was great. Don't have any perspective for how it would be on its own.
Nitro Draft

Slightly tangy mid drink. Finishes full that toasty stout flavor and something else. It's pleasant.

This is a good beer. It comes off slightly light which is why I am going with a 4.5 on this one.

Citrusy aroma, perfect hops and citrus balance with a sweet (almost Belgian ale) finish.

Smooth, roasty oatmeal stout, coffee-like, mild wood character but no overt Bourbon in the flavor. Bitter finish.