Aaron C.

All about Aaron

Aaron is a member of Odin DBRD.
Aaron has logged 177 beers a total of 44 times.
Aaron's favorite beer so far seems to be BrewFist / Prairie Spaghetti Western: 92 (logged 1 time)
Aaron's favorite type of beer seems to be Stout.

Aaron's Log

Full and very fruity Amber ale.
Draft at Tel Aviv, Israel
Not shabby! Very odd tastes with almost gingerbread-y smell, but comes together well
Looks almost like an amber, tastes like a light porter. Usually weary of the organic angle but it was great with a clean finish
Solid tasty Belgian flavor!
Strong flower bitterness but drops quickly to almost no aftertaste
Way lighter looking than expected, but quite chocolatey and crisp
Fantastic IPA. Tons of deep flavors not too much over the top hops
Can at Friend's in Tampa, FL
Draft at Hurricane Tampa, FL
Sour taste keeps going. Not bad once you adjust to it
Builds tartness over time but goos taste
Great IPA even though I'm not a huge IPA fan
Bottle at Ohio
Over carbonation makes it a bit tasteless but alright
Bottle at Ohio
Constantly one of my favorites
Bottle at Ohio
Barely tasted like raspberry or chocolate but still decent
Bottle at Ohio
As if someone combined a bud light and a bottle of apple juice. Which is only slightly less gross than it sounds
Described as a beer version of a hot today and was exactly like its described. Great crisp taste with the lemon combined with a fresh IPA taste