Reuben's Brews

Commercial Brewery | Seattle, WA, United States of America

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Affiliated Venues

Reuben's Brews (Seattle, WA, United States of America)


Overall average: 70 (logged 132 times)
Auspicious Sons: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's / Siren Home From Home Coffee IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Altbier: 67 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's American Rye Ale: 68 (logged 7 times)
Rye Beer
Reuben's Autumn Harvest Imperial Pumpkin Ale: 74 (logged 6 times)
Pumpkin Ale
Reuben's Azacca Crush IPA: 83 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Balsch: 88 (logged 2 times)
Reuben's BBIS: 85 (logged 5 times)
Stout (Imperial / Double, Aged in Barrels, Bourbon)
Reuben's BBIS Cognac Barrel: 83 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's Bear Mug: 83 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's Belgian Imperial Rye IPA
Belgian India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)
Reuben's Belgian-Style Quad Ale
Belgian Quadrupel Ale
Reuben's Betonbier Pils: 67 (logged 1 time)
German Pilsner
Reuben's Bits & Bobs IPA: 58 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Black Imperial IPA: 83 (logged 1 time)
Black IPA / Cascadian Dark Ale / American Black Ale (Imperial / Double)
Reuben's Blimey That's Bitter Triple IPA: 88 (logged 2 times)
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)
Reuben's Bloody Crikey! IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Cream Ale: 63 (logged 2 times)
Cream Ale
Reuben's Crikey IPA: 70 (logged 5 times)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Crush the Vote Hazy IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Dry-Hopped Brown: 67 (logged 1 time)
Brown Ale
Reuben's Extant IPA: 83 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Festbier: 42 (logged 1 time)
Märzenbier / Oktoberfestbier
Reuben's Fresh Hop Crikey IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Gose: 75 (logged 3 times)
Reuben's Hazealicious IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Hazy Harvest IPA with Rye: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Holiday Gose: 71 (logged 2 times)
Reuben's Hop Idol IPA: 79 (logged 2 times)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Hop Tropic: 71 (logged 2 times)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Hyperdrive Hazy IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Imperial IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)
Reuben's Imperial Oatmeal Stout: 73 (logged 9 times)
Stout (Imperial / Double)
Reuben's Imperial Rye IPA: 92 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)
Reuben's Kenya Cream: 50 (logged 1 time)
Cream Ale
Reuben's Koyt: 42 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Wheat Ale
Reuben's Life On Mars Imperial IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Lily White Wit: 71 (logged 2 times)
Reuben's London Calling: 67 (logged 1 time)
English Pale Ale / Bitter
Reuben's Mexican Lager: 67 (logged 2 times)
American Adjunct Lager
Reuben's Misguided Youth Highly Hopped Hazy IPA: 58 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Moreish IPA: 58 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Nitro Dry Stout: 61 (logged 3 times)
Reuben's Nordic Haze IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Patio Party Hazy IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Pilsner: 67 (logged 1 time)
Czech Pilsner
Reuben's PNW Crush IPA: 42 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Pumpkin Latte Imperial Porter: 67 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's Red Ale
Amber / Red Ale
Reuben's Reuben Claus: 75 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's Roasted Rye IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
Rye Beer
Reuben's Robust Porter: 73 (logged 8 times)
Reuben's Roggenbier German-Style Rye Ale: 62 (logged 8 times)
Rye Beer
Reuben's Seattle Milk Stout: 67 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's Summer IPA: 72 (logged 5 times)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Three Ryes Men: 75 (logged 3 times)
Reuben's Three Ryes Men: Apple Pie: 83 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's Triple Crush Hazy IPA: 50 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben's Wolfsburg Doppelbock: 58 (logged 1 time)
Reuben's Zwickelbier: 67 (logged 1 time)
Zwickelbier / Kellerbier
Reuben’s Barnacles Barleywine: 50 (logged 1 time)
Reuben’s Hazealicious P.O.G. IPA: 58 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben’s Little Fox: 50 (logged 1 time)
Amber / Red Ale
Reuben’s Serious Pilsner: 75 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Lager
Reuben’s Stay Frosty Cold IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Reuben’s Stouter Limits: 75 (logged 1 time)
Reuben’s You Are Not Alone Hazy IPA: 50 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA

Limited Edition Single Releases

Reuben's Gobsmacked! Imperial IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)


Airways / Reuben's Red Rye Pilsner (collaboration)
European-style Amber Lager
Black Raven / Reuben's Weekend at Reuben’s IPA (collaboration): 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Ecliptic / Reuben's Crimson Star Hazy Double IPA (collaboration): 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Rainier / Reuben's r & R Pils (collaboration): 71 (logged 2 times)
German Pilsner
Reuben's / Bale Breaker Co-lla-beer-ation India Pale Pager (collaboration): 67 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Lager
Reuben's / Breakside Rye Plum Imperial Porter (collaboration): 46 (logged 2 times)
Reuben's / Monday Night No Two Ways About It (collaboration): 83 (logged 1 time)
American Strong Ale

Logs for beers from this brewery

A little spicier, hoppier than I’d expect for an Irish Red. It’s got a nice sweetness, but it’s a bit simplistic.
A robust pilsner, but also the kind that if you don't log it for eight hours you won't remember anything specific about it.
Unsweet IPA, lightly grapey, turns to a nice cereal right when you think it’s going to turn bitter (which it never does).
Thick, syrupy. Quite strong.
Unusually dark, latticed head, although apparently opinions differ? Chocolate, toffee, stone fruit, very smooth but also a touch tart. Delicious but tacky.
After the Sir Isaac this tasted like a moderately-but-not-too-sweet Almond Joy-esque candy bar. After the Hoppin' Honey this somehow didn't taste very alcoholic despite being stronger. Weird day, but I really loved this one.
Very caramel apple. It's quite sweet, but very surprisingly, appropriately sweet. Very much recalls apple brandy.
Bright, just on the edge of dry, IPA. Strong but not overwhelming bitterness. I think an IPA aficionado would like it even more.
Sweet without being syrupy, graham cracker and biscuity. Fruity?
… and an even straighter stout. It’s not as sweet as the Kali Ma, but it is on the sweet (cocoa? butter?) side. I had somewhat hoped for at least one beer today to be firmly in the humorless roasty category but looks like I didn’t choose well for that.
Good as always, but wasn't going to live up to the pure enjoyability of the pumpkin beer.
Dry rather than juicy, this is kind of like sucking on a grapefruit for too long. In particular I think the passionfruit overwhelms here. Nice bit of cereal finish for the first few sips before it gets drowned out.
Medium-light stout/brown ale base, with clean but sharp rye whiskey notes reminding you this is an event beer. I don't think the flavor ever really melded harmoniously for me, which kind of keeps this from being in the top tier; maybe the beer didn't have the body to stand up to the barreling.
Just a super solid porter. Roasty, medium bodied, nice, slightly acidic but smooth-finishing coffee on top.
Can at Home
Starts smooth and very tasty for a new vintage of BBIS, surprisingly so, but kind of loses its lustre through the course of a glass. The alcohol is very pokey and is quite dominant over time. Might need some aging.
Crystal clear, with rich cereal flavor, but quite bitter. A brackish, hard-water quality to the mouthfeel doesn't help a whole lot.
This... wasn't bitter at all? It tasted awesome. I don't know if my taste buds were burnt after two strong beers, but this just tasted light, sweet, and unexpectedly refreshing.
Pretty good, hazy grapefruit-citrus. Spicy rye on top and a somewhat bitter finish. I liked it, but it wasn't as good as the beer that came before it or the one that came after.
Sweet and vegetal, about where you start asking the question: “how hazy is too hazy?” At least it’s not bitter.
Like drinking a spruce tree. Very bitter finish.
Quite good, wish I had my wits about me.
Ends like the Misguided Youth but the start is more bitter.
Starts the same as the summer IPA but gets resinous fast.
This is... not much like the regular Crikey! at all. Super hazy, thick and juicy. Smells super dank but the flavor is much more balanced - I think the resin is there but it's just balanced out enough by the tang and citrus. Liked this one a lot.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
Caramel-butterscotch and whiskey, fairly smooth. Some fire to keep it interesting. This is a very fine strong barrel aged beer.
Very cognac, alcohol strength and roast is subdued, making this better than the regular '19 BBIS.
Draft at Salt and Iron, Edmonds WA
Round and bright fruit flavor, mostly orange-like citrus. Crystal clear, nice to have a straight IPA for once. Not bitter, very refreshing. Great beer.
Draft at Work
A yeasty wit with a balanced but strong holiday spice character. Smooth, buttery, kind of like drinking a ginger snap cookie.
Draft at Work
Hoppy pumpkin spice smell and taste. Slight misalignment on hop profile to the category, but otherwise an enjoyable take on this seasonal.
Fresh hop smell, fragrant and pleasant. Unboring evergreen hops flavor with something like banana going on there.
Much more bitter than I remember. Otherwise a very solid porter.
Draft at Work
Fast cereal middle and lingering spicy hops.
Light pumpkin spice, caramel amber. Thin body but quite pleasant.
Disappointingly mediocre offering from this brewery.
Loaded with mango and jasmine. Solid on the bitterness. Very good.
Juicy as you'd expect, but this tasted more like juice than beer. A bit of malt but otherwise a bit like grapefruit juice with a touch of roundness from pomegranate. I thought it was worse for the wear.
Fruity, caramel, metallic, bready, poky alcohol. Thesaurus me, bro.
Fairly roasty. Peppermint was subtle.
Similar flavor to Pumking, custard and pastry. Maybe slightly more fruit and a darker, more caramel flavor. Slightly bitter finish.
First fresh hop beer of the season! Super fresh-tasting. You guys, this was so, so bitter. But I actually think I liked it, in spite of. Because, you know, fresh. Also Reuben's. I write good.
Weird smell, like a funky, musty Plum. Fruit-forward, strangely bitter, burnt flavor. Not great.
Lots of bubblegum and pine hop sheen; on the sweet side. Dry wood resin mixed with maybe some lager funk, clean finish. Not bitter. Pretty darn good result of an unlikely collaboration; maybe a rarity now that Redhook has broken the commercial brewing contract.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
Fruit-forward IPA with a medium resinous body. Finish isn't too bitter, though; so while this is still not exactly my style of IPA it's recognizably good.
Very solid gose with a non-fruity sourness, fairly tart, with a lightly-sweetish wheat funk and salty finish. Really nice flavors.
Very similar in flavor profile to the Sea Witch, but with a smoother nitro finish. For a nitro beer, pretty good.
Nitro Draft at Thirsty Hop, Kirkland
Dry Irish Stout flavor. Roasty with some slight sourness. Lactic, smooth pumpkin quality. Pretty good!
Wow, this place is hopping! Note for next time, the pork sliders are really delicious. And giardinera! (The beer was good too, but we've already reviewed this one)
Strong fragrant peachy hop smell with. Thinner taste start than expected given the smell, finished with a fine roastiness. Mild bitter linger.
Medium tart, plenty of salt on the tongue. Lots of wheat funk. Finishes really clean with a pleasant flavor, like a slice of hot buttered toast.
Reuben's BBIS (unknown release)
Nice coffee flavors.
Very fruity and light. Very light bitterness for an ipa. Tropical fruits, pineapple, citrus.
This was really quite good, although I can't remember it outright. :/
Actually like this pumpkin one. The spices are actually pleasant.
A pithy IPA, but with a nice bit of fruit. Not my style, but it was surprisingly better than "for science" would have predicted.
Starts creamy, like an oatmeal pale, but dries out quickly, revealing some alcohol in the flavor. Finishes with some abrupt resins and woody bitterness. Unusual and disjointed.
Not at all what I expect from a brown ale. Its leaning more towards a light coffee flavor. Lacking the dry hop flavor I am expecting.
Slightly sour, with a unfiltered beer taste to it. Not my favorite.
Tons of orange and coconut on the nose. Finishes with coconut and hops.
This stout has made me a believer in stouts. Subtle chocolate and coffee notes at the finish. Yum.
Fresh brought IPA smell. Lingering resinous bitterness but a roasty malt character continues further.
This is actually most like a pumpkin infused latte. There is a hint of stout, but it is almost completely masked by the coffee
Smooth dark roasted smell with some vinegar elements. Fine hopped presence, and roasted peppery cereal taste.
Touch of funk with some yeast tanginess and bubblegum. Light and summery, but doesn't nearly approach the heights of the kölsch.
Creamy with good dry coffee stout flavor and a light texture. No nitro weirdness but the almost total lack of carbonation was a minus.
A cream ale with coffee. Understandably the beer is a little overbalanced, but it's not totally misguided. The coffee is good and berry-like, but the overall combination didn't win me over.
Toasty for an altbier, almost like toasted sesame on first taste. Good, dry caramel tang. Finishes bitter, but fairly nice.
Beautiful tang, bit of funk, delicious cereal malt body. I don't know from authentic, but this is about as perfect a summer beer as I could ask for.
Liquid banana bread.
Bottle at Home
I'm not gonna lie, I had enough before this that I can't rate this reliably. But it seemed good, and I like Reuben's.
Seems like a fairly standard stout. Bitter with a hint of sweet underneath.
Don't follow a really roasty beer with this or it'll come off as too sweet at first. In comparison to the Survival stout, this seemed almost unroasted. It recovered quickly, though. Much mellower; almost fruity, but still very nice.
Manages to straddle the line between creamy and roasty very well. A touch of bitterness on the finish, but really, really enjoyable overall.
Some acidic bite on start, smooth malt and oaty body and tiny bit of sweetness on the finish.
A tasty medium-bodied porter with very nice coffee notes and a clean finish. Manages to be roasty without being unpleasantly bitter or sour. Another winner!
Has a pleasant smooth roastiness with a bit of sourness.
This is what a light beer should be.
Smells like a Belgian beer, tastes totally different. Malty with a mild hops finish.
Smells pleasant. Tastes lightly malty/corn, and finishes just subtly sweet. Great burger beer.