Bellevue Brewing Company
1820 130th Ave. NE Suite 2
Bellevue, WA, United States of America
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This venue is affiliated with Bellevue Brewing Company
Logs for this venue

I got it again because I knew I didn't write anything down the first time! And then I forgot! I do remember thinking this was good.

Started off nice, bright, pine-hop forward, just a hint of sweet cereal, it seemed well-balanced. Bubbly. There was a hard note of resin that grew over time into something more acrid, which knocked my enjoyment back down, but it was nice at first.

Strongly sour, dark, plummy, bit of molasses. Bubbly. More of a drinking vinegar character which made it a bit hard to keep drinking, and overpowering enough that I didn't get any of the "Black IPA" part of it. I didn't hate it, but also did not finish mine.

Lightly hoppy pale with an unpleasantly perfumey orange zest flavor. This is a recurring problem for this brewery when the word “orange” is involved. Not sure how different this is from the old Blood Orange IPA but my notes then were similar.

Interesting contrast with the Schwarzbier. Starts milder and sweeter, chocolate and alcohol. Less lactic, bitterer finish. Decent but the lesser of the beers.

Actually this was great. A bit of cola-like brightness to start, almost fruity, but the perfect amount of milky-smooth creaminess carries the flavor through to a slightly roasty finish. Really enjoyable.

Creamy, lightly fruity. Has a bit of a cereal milk quality to it, both in terms of sweetness and milkiness.

A light sweetness, just enough toasted grain, offset by grassy bitterness. Pretty strong Oktoberfest beer.

Somewhat sweeter than expected, smooth-drinking cereal red. Neither hoppy nor strongly toasted, this doesn't run in the typical locally-brewed "Irish Red" direction. I really enjoyed it though.

Opens with the faintly syrupy sweetness of a typical Mexican lager but there’s an unexpected amount of yeasty funk in the follow-through. Reminds me a bit of that Hi-Fi Vienna lager, though not so extreme. It does finish clean but I wonder where it left my taste buds…

Lightly sweet, toasty amber. Mild follow through, but there’sa not of prickly hops on the end. Sweet aftertaste, like a Helles.

Hazy only in the most technical sense, this beer was almost entirely clear. Strong fruit, primarily mango, almost to the point of distraction. Decent enough. Paired well with an excellent barbeque rib sandwich.

Bready, somewhat dry, but still with a fairly significant hop forward character. A nice beer to mark my post-quarantine return to the brewery, and I got to see Ryan too, which was lovely! I don't know if it improved the flavor, but it might have. It's been far too long.

Very clean, soda-like sour, with none of the funk that was evident in the porter. Pleasant berry flavor. It was a good contrast and a good way to finish this session.

I'm actually not 100% convinced this was a different beer than the Bbl-aged porter from the other day (the boards called this two different things). It was just as sour if not more, and there seemed to be noticeable funk that may not have been there last time. It being on nitro is definitely a change and may explain the different flavors coming through. For now I'm going to keep this under the alternate name.
Nitro Draft

Like all of Bellevue's other barrel-aged beers, this is almost winey. More than a little tart and dry, leading into a medium-thick but smooth porter. Finish is slightly sweet but mellow, and the barrel comes in with some caramel on the finish. Tastes stronger than listed.

A dry cherry sour that manages to be dry without getting funky at all, but also isn't sweet or too fruity -- or boring. Clean, medium-tart and tasty.

A potato IPA! You know I had to try this. Not sure I tasted anything that said potato, but the resultant beer was insanely clean, with just the right amount of piney-fruity hops. Best IPA I've had at this brewery in a long time.

Another barrel-aged beer from Bellevue that doesn't fit the usual mold. This had the extreme smoothness you'd expect from an oatmeal stout, continuing into a sweetness. Finishes with an almost wine-like tannic barrel character. Cabernet comes to mind. Strongly alcoholic.

At first this is a medium-resin hoppy IPA with a bit of toasty, spicy cereal flavor. Very pleasant. However, the bitterness builds up rapidly and by the end of a 12 oz schooner I was finding it almost undrinkable. So a real mixed bag.

Everything I've tried at BBC with the word "orange" in the name has had a weird, perfumey fake orange flavor about it. This ... was pretty much in the same vein. Better than the other ones; the rest of the IPA minimizes the perfume effect, but I didn't love it.

Bellevue Fresh Hop Ale (2018)
Very pleasant, mild, fragrant fresh hop IPA. About exactly what you'd expect from a prime example of this genre.

This was really tasty. Reminds me a little of some Brett IPAs I've had, though this doesn't seem to have Brett. Slightly grapey, fruity but very dry. It's got the crispness of a nice champagne but definitely some hop fragrance and bitterness as well. If this is the new trend, I'm looking forward to it.

Excellent lager; buttery cereal, slightly sweet, with a notably and unusally toasted-grain body. Very tasty.

The worst thing about this is the name. Flavor-wise, this is quite tasty, a caramel brown with some hop bite and a clean finish.

Vanilla + Potpourri. It tastes a ton like a mulled cider without the fruit flavor. Sweet, and definitely much less body than the regular scotch ale. But it's so perfumey that it's hard to like.

Light, roasty dark beer with a bit of a lactic finish. Honestly, I have no idea what makes this different than the schwarzbier. May have to try them side by side someday, but it's probably not worth it.

Aged in tequila barrels? Or just tequila added? The bartender didn't clarify, but either way this was really tasty. A pilsner on the cereal side with a buttery finish, laced with a nice sheen of tequila to add some bright complexity. I really liked this.

Hopefully an aberration, but this batch is really very sour, and unpleasant to drink.
Nitro Draft

Not especially tripel-like. Belgian qualities come through with some estery banana flavors and a yeasty "curl" that is fairly bitter. Alcohol is muted for its strength.

Fragrance and flavor prominently features fresh, green bitter pepper - jalapeno or Thai chili, not sure which. Not getting so much of the other Thai flavors that were described, though the fruity IPA underneath is very pleasant and not too alpha. An excellent chili beer.

With raspberry puree. Very drinkable, on the sweet cereal side, not super-memorable.

Bellevue's stout is a light, dry, almost salty stout, and that remains true here. Like the sibling vanilla scotch ale, the vanilla smells sweet, but taste-wise contributes more smoothness than sugar. The result is a beer that remains mostly dry, but quite smooth, with pleasant flavors. The only real minus is that sweet smell, which is out of balance with the flavor.

Not so vanilla-y that is distracts from the scotch aleness, which is a good thing. Nice variety on the standard offering.

I didn't get saison at all here, and the brewery's description is... basically not what this was. If anything, it was a hop-forward pale with light passion and grapefruit notes, and nearly indistinguishable from NW Pale or Session IPA in character. That said, the flavor was very good, and the finish was completely without bitterness, which was surprising.

A smooth lager with a slightly milky quality and dark, toasted caramel notes. I liked the smooth finish a lot, but the forward taste was a bit more timid, so: less memorable. Still, this was very easy to drink.

On nitro, a lot of hop juice and gin right at the forefront. Smooth, but quite clearly strong. These aren't my favorite flavors, but given that this was pretty good.
Nitro Draft

Mix is a little weird. The juniper and grapefruit flavors are quite strong but are smoothed out by the nitro conditioning.
Nitro Draft

Mildly hoppy amber with a toasted barley finish. Works well with the nutty house yeast here, although the finish was a bit on the bitter side.

Exactly as advertised - Bellevue's malty-side scotch ale crossed with a distinct but pleasant vanilla flavor. Finishes a little bitter after a while, but overall, a nice treat. Maybe too sweet to be a regular drinker though.

Solid lager. Fragrant, cracker-like opening. Not sweet, but the finish is only mildly bitter, so I don't know how authentic it is, but it is richly flavored and suits me very nicely.

Reading my previous description, somehow everything is accurate except this time I thought it was really nice. Maybe I've just gotten a bit more expansive in my tastes since then.

Somewhere between a pale ale and a kölsch, with a bit of fruity, yeasty tang and what seems like fragrant dry-hopping, closing with cereal sweetness and pilsner-like bitterness.

Really not what I was expecting when I ordered a Kölsch. Instead of being fresh, crisp and refreshing this beer has a weird hard to identify stale flavor. Reminds me of peanuts and boiled cabage. The bitterness was also unpleasant.

A very weird, nutty yeast funk sits at the heart of this beer - like boiled, bitter peanuts. It was reminiscent of the old Hi-Fi Session Brown, and not at all crisp or refreshing, which is table stakes for a Kölsch for me.

A best in class IPA, I think. A fragrant, dry hoppy opening, hints of apple and pine. Good cereal body. Finishes on some resin and moderate-strong bitterness, but in a balanced experience like this I'm totally fine with that. Another win for Breakside!

I will never call another beer "piney" again. This beer has out-pined them all. Dry and strongly evergreen-fragrant at first, the perfume soon turns bitter and overwhelming. I really regretted the second half of my schooner. (12 oz schooner)

More bitter than I typically desire. And yeah tasted stronger than advertised...

Good balance between caramel malt sweetness and fruity hops. Still seemed stronger than advertised.

Glad I didn't read Eden's review before I tasted this because yeah looking back it looks ugly but it does taste quite good.

Bellevue Fresh Hop Ale (2014)
On the dry side. Lately I've really enjoyed Fresh Hop beers with that oily, fragrant fruit sheen, and this didn't have any of that. It was good, but really like any number of beers made without wet hops.

This beer had a singularly unattractive look, like thin, muddy water. It was so unpleasant that I think it affected how I enjoyed the flavor. A shame, because it was otherwise good - reminiscent of toasted pretzels. Nice, yeasty fizz.

Watery on the palate, a nice hazelnut and roasted malt finish, but overall thin.

Some hazelnut and roasted malt, and a LOT of Belgian yeast.

I haven't really liked the IPL style so far, truthfully. I don't know if it was my food, but this was a pleasant surprise. It's not apologetic about its India Pale roots - there is a spicy hop sharpness to the attack and it's dry and fragrant throughout, but there is also a caramel, sweet (but not too much!) body to match it. Bitterness on the finish, but the aftertaste is very nice.

This didn't exactly meld together. Ringing tartness from the blood orange without any other real fruit body lingers separately - and in parallel - with the oncoming wheat funk and sweetish wit finish. I just ended up feeling confused for a while.

Bellevue Rye IPA (2014)
Great rye IPA - starts out with citrus and fruit and then a great spiciness comes in behind. Just a wee bit bitter.

Solid IPA. Taste is fruit and citrus with some piney/resin but not much. Malted to avoid a large bitterness but not too heavily so the hop flavors shine. Slightly bitter finish

I'd have to be in a very specific mood for this, but I still very much enjoy its clean lines. Summar!

Solid hoppy pale, light on malts letting some citrus/piney hops shine. Clean finish

Good cereal malt flavor and has that tang I like, right before the hop bitterness comes in. Nice and crisp. The fact that this beer is balanced just a bit too far on the side of bitterness is the only thing that works against it.

Sudsy hop smell. Good mellow cereal flavor with a tight finishing bitterness. A bit of tack.

I liked that this bock sat in the drier, bitter tradition of a pilsner rather than being sweet or overtly bready. Wow does the alcohol sneak up on you, though.

Smooth and far less bitter than the 9.7 ibu would lead you to believe

Post climb normally want a lighter beer but couldn't resist this. Let this be a lesson, always give in to the wood.

Part of a flight. inoffensive. Decent. Much less interesting than yesterday's Uncle Big's Brown.

Bellevue CDA (2013)
Part of a flight. Much less fruity than other CDAs I've had lately, with a dank, root-like flavor, like someone crossed a root beer or a birch beer with a piney IPA. I didn't find the flavor much to my liking, but honestly, I hadn't expected to.

Part of a flight. A bit of funk, cereal body, buttery finish and -- surprise! Big bitter bite. A little more balance on that last and this would have been excellent.

Part of a flight. Whoa HOPS. Lots of bitter, citrus, floral hops in this guy -- which is to say, not more than your average West Coast-y pale, but a crapload for something you'd call a "Vienna Lager." So, no.

Cereal sourness with a slight tart acidity at the end. Nice smoothness to the body from it being unfiltered. Lingering cereal taste.

Thin sweetish cereal body with mild finish. Banana-funk touch on finish.

Sweet and malty, like an Oktoberfest, with a toasty lactic finish to give it that "dunkel" character. I liked that it had more body than other schwarzbiers I've had lately.

Solid medium-roasty porter with coffee notes and a medium body. I had this with strong-tasting food so I don't know how much I can trust myself here.

Strong wheaty body with just a touch of dry tartness. Really, really tasty, though it made me wish it were warmer out.

Sweet cereal middle with some apricot/fruit notes. Some acidity to the finish. Dry, doesn't leave any tackiness or lingering flavors.

Not being a fan of IPA, I still had to try this one since I've tried almost everything else here now. It went okay with lunch. But it's not changing my mind about IPAs...

Much sweeter than expected, kind of like a beer version of a honey liqueur. Definitely strong bourbon presence.
Nitro Draft

Stronger bourbon starter taste, malty sweetness persists. Leaves a sort of sweet tackiness. Pleasant character, easily repeatable.
Nitro Draft

Nice but I found it to be a bit more sour than I would have liked.
Nitro Draft

Some of that nitro sourness at the end, but otherwise very nice. Good, but understated, whiskey character, not too sweet, and a very clean finish. Gets noticeably better as it warms.
Nitro Draft

Smooth and roasty. Interestingly tasty head. Only downside is a slight sourness.
Nitro Draft

Bellevue Extra Red Ale (2013)
Super hop-forward with a strong malt backbone, and apparently stronger than it first appeared, because, wow. I think I got to being inappropriate.

I liked the base beer & the rye-barreling only elevates it. The sharpness of the whiskey and the sharpness of the rye malt bite complement each other very well, with the vanilla barrel character smoothing it out. Finishes amazingly clean, with no woody bitterness.

Starts off nice, super-fresh hop flavor with an unusual sweet-whiskey-toffee finish, but the wood, which gives a totally different kind of bitter finish, seems out of balance. It builds up in an unappealing way and after a while, just starts to taste a bit like rubber.

Nice grapefruity hop flavor, not too resinous, not syrupy. A nice transition to a pith and malt finish, without much bitterness. Nice.

Some tacky residue finish but has a nice graham cereal taste. Alcohol aftertaste.
Showing 200 of 227 log entries