The Bavarian Lodge
1800 Ogden Ave
Lisle, IL, United States of America
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This smells wonderful, cherry and fruit. The taste is good, though clearly it's a fruit-juice-added bet rather than one that put together a taste the cool way by managing the microflora.

Tasty marzen. Sweet, slightly bitter, perhaps a little bit watery. But not bad.

Interesting. It does have a strong sourdough note mixed with something like a spicy hefeweizen.

Unibroue La Résolution (unknown release)
Dark, kind of like fake candy. It's not bad, but doesn't have the best flavor profile.

Allagash Hibernal Fluxus (2016)
Scent is stout with "something". Taste is like a dry stout, which isn't something I'm used to. It's not bad, but it's not something that screams or to me to have more.

Sweet, slightly sour, with an almost smokey bitterness. Has a cherry flavor that reminds me of barrel aging.

Lovely light cherry flavor, more like a European dark than a stout. Really, don't expect a stout, because it doesn't taste like one.

Sweet cider well balanced by the jalapeno notes. I could absolutely drink this all day long.

Wow, this just kicks me in the face. So much so that I can't even characterize the flavor.

The accent is odd, like air out of a metal tank, maybe helium. The taste is similar, with hints of bitter greens.

Slightly sweet, slightly brackish, slightly iffy . Almost like a barrel aged . Odd, not really to my taste .

My aunt characterized this as horse's hoof . I don't disagree .But it somehow blends well with the bourbon barrel flavor. It's actually not bad, and a think a barrel- aged aficionado would love this.

For an instant, it was a good sour .Then it all went south. Like bad BO, rotting leaves, and something that has turned really bad. Never ever again.

Has a good spicy/stouty nose. Very spicy to taste, my reaction is almost like to an ipa, but it's clearly a different sort of herb

Smells great, but drinking it makes the back of my mouth contract and other bad things to happen .

Understated sweetness with a bitter tartness. Kind of like bitter cherry juice. No sour taste to speak of. I'm really not sure how to rate this .
Very song when you take a big pull .

J.W. Lees Harvest Ale (2015)
Standard sort of apricot scent and flavor that comes with barleywine. Since it's not my mind off beer, I really can give no advice

Smells strongly of coffee. The taste is like sweet maple mixed with coffee . It immediately starts to give me a headache from the alcohol content, but I'm happy all the way down.

My review is the exact same as last time. This is the most wonderful thing in the world to sit and smell, but I never want to drink any again.
Why the hell can't they just make a scented bag or candle?

Avery The Beast Grand Cru Ale (unknown release)
Oh wow, this beats me in the face like the most bourbon barrel aged beer in existence .I can't write any more because the reaper is here to collect me .
I want a rating that says "Never, Never, Never again" .

Standard sweetish stout scent .
Strong, sweet, barrel aged, with the cherry character you'd expect. But actually, this is pretty good .

Standard sweetish stout scent .
Strong, sweet, barrel aged, with the cherry character you'd expect. But actually, this is pretty good .

A good, if very slightly wheaty, pils .It escapes the brackish flavor that I feel accompanies most German Pils. So, it might not be what you expect, but I kind of like it.
In fact, I'm actually debating between solid and yum .

Understated, slightly sweet smell. Flavor is a little like cherry cough syrup, but rather mild, with a slight bitter/brackish undertone. It's not offensive, but it doesn't really do it for me.

Almanac Farmer's Reserve Pluot (unknown release)
To fill in for Mike.
Effervescent nose with nothing else. Taste is a slight sour combined with spicy that really appeals to me. The sides of my tongue continue to tingle long after the sip.

Kind of a mild combination of sour and bitter, which perhaps makes sense for a mild fruit like watermelon.

The Bruery Sour in the Rye (unknown release)
Good, though it does the opposite of growing on me.

Ok so once i got over the musty sock taste, it was actually really good. But it took a while to get over that bit.

Slightly funky, very cherry .Sweet .Not really my sort of thing. Actually, I think I really don't like this.

Um. I dunno about this ice cream and beer mix. Yah.... No

Honestly, it just tastes like a decent Oktoberfest beer .I'm not getting anything about ice cream or brownie .

This had an amazing smoky flavor .I have a co-worker who gets a whole pig a few times a year, and butchers and smokes it himself .I got a cut of bacon from him once that was to fire for .This is what it smelled like.
However, this beer just tastes like the smoky smell, it's completely overwhelming. So, a wonderful thug to smell, mediocre to drink

Super sweet, with a flavor reminiscent of hard candy. Like sucking on a very alcoholic rum flavored candy .

Dark, but somehow almost effervescent. Kind of a light and mild caramel flavor .

There's a sweetness in the scent. The flavor is a hard caramel, like a bourbon barrel aged beer .I think others would appreciate this more than I.

Interestingly, it smells like the lakefront to me .I'm not sure if that could really be a recommendation .Living freshwater, a hint of pumpkin I don't know .

Light, sweet, eminently drinkable .There's a hint of yeasty spice, I don't get banana per se, just sweet.

Wow coffee .
And actually a nice solid, somewhat sweet underlying stout. Good enough that I had another.

Strong, fruity funk immediately noticeable in the scent. Sweet and sharp rather than watery. A little more bitter, and frankly a little more character than I expected .

This has a character in both the scent and the taste that reminds me of an IPA. More spicy than sour, with a hint of bitterness and a yeasty unfiltered undertone .

Middling Amber color. Slight watery fruit scent. It's thick and smooth in the mouth, malty with perhaps a tiny hint of bitter. There is a flavor of some odd spice that I can't identify.

light, hazy coloration. Effervescent scent. Both sour and spicy, I don't get much sweet,maybe just a hint of bitter.

Scent is some citrus/orange zest .Bitter head. I really get more orange than banana in the taste. So, fruity what beer, strong on the banana .

Effervescent with a hint of fruit undertone, so clearly a "sour". But not really any sour in flavor. I'm fact, my description is pretty much at an end at this point .

Something of the watery, marzen beer flavor. A reasonable amount of malt and just a hint of bitterness. Fine as a drink . Right on the edge of being a solid, if I went for alcoholic drinks top slake my thirst

Super super super super sweet. Amber hued. I'm just overwhelmed by a certain flavor that shall remain "nameless"

apricot and plum. Smooth and rich this is what I want to think of when I think Belgian Abbey ale .

This is a good, grassy/floral hefenweizen. I'm Not sure it it lives up to it's press .

Smells like coffee beans. Tastes like heavily, heavily roasted coffee, with just a hint of vanilla beans .It's a little bit much for me .

This tastes very much like it was mixed with a liquor. I suspect those who like bourbon would in turn like this. There is an interesting flavor profile, but sadly I'm having trouble identifying it in about two ounces .

Flavorful, sweet hefenweizen, with a zippy spice that I presume comes from the ginger .Very good.

Light, almost flavorless .I guess is does have that hint of water bitterness that I associate with cucumbers. Rather meh on lack of taste .
Drinking the bottom of the sample a few minutes later, I was pounded with the cucumber flavor .So I guess if you want mildly alcoholic cucumber, then this is the drink for you .

Exactly what it says. Smooth chocolate - orange dominate the flavor and add an odd note to the scent.

Sweet,almost barrel aged caramel flavor Sligit bitter undertone. Not really my sort of thing .

This tastes like a hoppy kolsch .Which pretty much had me in stitches, because that is exactly what is expect from this brewery.

Grand Teton Red Wine Barrel-Aged Splash Down Belgian-Style Golden Ale (unknown release)

Grand Teton Red Wine Barrel-Aged Splash Down Belgian-Style Golden Ale (unknown release)
Like a light, bitter ale with a strong sense of association with wine Pretty much what says on the label.

Strong plum sour with some extra puckering. I fear this is suffering by comparison to the other very good sours I've had tonight.

Odd There's this straight shot of flavor through this that I'm having trouble identifying .Maybe straw or some such. weird.

Scent is kind of grapey . Taste is somewhere between a sour and a port. Odd.

Tastes more like a lager or even a pils, with only a hint of saison. Clean and somewhat bitter, with a hint of spice.

Scent of a light IPA Taste is more or less the same. I guess it's fine?

Light, clear, and refreshing, with a nice undertone of almost fruity bitterness.

Light and clean with an undertone of spices that is quite appealing. Note,this is brewed without hops, so don't expect bitterness.

Starts out like a drink, then it dries, until your tongue is an extension of the Sahara. Like a very dry IPA that sneaks up on you.
Interesting .

Interesting and complex. A hint of tartness, a wheaty middle, and a slightly rough hint of bitter at the end.

At last! What every Belgian dark ale needs - a hit of cinnamon. Not really. Otherwise, this was perfectly decent, and got better as it warmed.

This didn't really bring tripel flavors to mind for me. Darker aspect, with a quaddish candi sugar and light plum character. The flavors, while not exactly watery, seemed a little insipid in the overall color of the beer.

Sweet, dark fruit .Almost a barrel aged Carmel flavor.This is more thin than you'd expect .

Tastes like a bog standard light roasty stout. Fine enough but there is no justification for this to be 11%+ or to spend your night's alcohol allotment on it.

Smells of clove and white pepper. Opens with fruit that wants to get tart but never does. Empty flavor until yeast bitterness takes over, and strongly.
Showing 200 of 299 log entries