
The Lost Abbey Cuvee de Tomme

Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey
San Marcos, CA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Type: Wild Ale
Release: Limited Rotating (vintaged)
ABV: 11%

From the brewer

A massive brown ale base that is made from four fermentable sugars including Malted Barley, Raisins, Candi Sugar and Sour Cherries, this beer is fully fermented before being placed in Bourbon barrels where the beer ages for one year with the Sour Cherries and the wild Brettanomyces yeast that we inoculate the barrels with.

Average Scores

Overall: 67 (logged 4 times)
Draft: 67 (logged 4 times)

Who's been drinking this

2013 release
Understated sweetness with a bitter tartness. Kind of like bitter cherry juice. No sour taste to speak of. I'm really not sure how to rate this . Very song when you take a big pull .
unknown release
unknown release
Tart, but not nearly as tart as Spontaneous Cheer, and definitely more towards cherry, this beer has a strong, boozy undercurrent that is overt in the fragrance but masked by the sourness in flavor. However, you always sense it's there, and it feels out of balance. Flavor profile tends toward oak wood and sugary quad. I do think it suffers in direct comparison to the Cheer.