Two Brothers Tap House

30W315 Calumet Ave

Warrenville, IL, United States of America

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This venue is affiliated with Two Brothers Brewing Company

Logs for this venue

It's like bitter pumpkin with an aftertaste of pie spices that have give bad. I can drink it. I kind of wish I hadn't pass for it. (As I drink more, it's a bit like driving bad perfume)
It is very sour. The flavor owes more to raspberries than peach I feel.
So, they literally take six minutes to pour this. It's frankly just a decent drink. You don't drink it to savor notes of this or that. You just drink it.
Citrus and Banana, with a backbone of bitter.
Strong caramel backbone, More than a bit like the European Darks that are soda-like. However it does have notes of nutty.
This is interesting. I can smell the barrel on it, but it's fairly mild on the taste. It's a hard, slightly bitter sour with no fruit. I.e. a correct sour. Honestly it had a good, complex flavor profile
It’s just too weak and the thing about things that are flavored like piña coladas that aren’t piña colada’s is they are basically like drinking sunscreen
I agree with Matt’s assessment
Funny thing is earlier tonight i passed up the piña colada for dark Cherry ice cream. And it’s the same with beer.
Not feeling the ipa right now
It was pretty good. Not too sweet, somewhat bitter. I don't know, go drink it yourself.
I immediately said "ooh, ow". So that's not a good sign. It's hard and bitter with little in the way of redeeming qualities. I'm guessing the hard core IPA folks would like this.
I don't know. It's pretty tart, but I'm not sure if I like it. Weird efforvescence, some wateriness, I don't know man.
Light, but kind of tastes fake, like the Raspberry flavor is from a packet. I'm guessing that's not true, but it's how it tastes.
It's like a brunch of Cherry skins have been steeping in some beer. I'm impressed how dark Cherry it tastes.
Hoppy, caramel, interesting.
Not bad, slightly spicy or something? I dunno.
Midori, green apple and LOADS of bubblegum. Wild.
Weird. My immediate reaction was that it smells like a jolly rancher. The flavor is like a green apple and melon rind hard candy.
Sweet, tart, slightly bitter. Nice.
A light beer with a hint of pineapple and coconut. It seems refreshing, but I'm not sure the taste would appeal for a whole glass.
It's beer. It's an IPA. I drank it. Drunkenly asking about who wins a two brothers arm wrestling contest on a taphouse tour. Jason apparently would win. I have my doubts though, I think Jim has deep rage beneath that quiet exterior. I think he's mad about the cheese curds too.
Dark sour, tart and almost prune flavor. Roy says it's a coffee sour, but I couldn't taste it.
Actually, I had a full one, and I rather liked it.
Tasty. A good amount of clarity, good but not overwhelming bitterness. I'd drink this anytime.
Decent, I can still taste the hint of peppermint, and it's a decent porter.
Actually fairly mild and somewhat flavorful. I'd have to rate something like Hop Juice for better flavor, but you pay for it with huge bitterness. So maybe this strikes a better balance. I think far fewer people would hate IPAs if they were like this, but fewer would love them.
It's actually kind of bitter, and not very sour. Kind of thin as well. I mean, I guess it's not offensive . . .
Kind of like a slightly sour melon rind flavor. But it's totally reasonable .
It's a nice, refreshing beer .Not super drt/bitter like I'd normally associate with a pils, but very pleasant to drink .
This had a very good balance between bitterness and malty flavor. A solid beer lover's drink .
This is a good sour, but the pineapple is a little intrusive, like it was added separately and a little bit too heavily .
This is pretty good, the cherry infusion makes it taste like a light sour. It is however fairly sweet on the finish .
There is definitely a hint of peppermint in this. Seems fine, but nothing to write home about.
Darker than I remember .Though being forever different seems right on .
This time it was billed as a session IPA. this was good, scent like an IPA, pine and grapefruit, but mild with a malty finish.
Slightly bitter. Somewhat malty. I don't know. I'm not that big on pale ales, though this seems like a fine example.
Some citrus. But overall, it just doesn't excite.
Strong coffee forward, unlike the 2012 version. Overall pretty tasty.
I actually liked this better at first. Something about staying in a barrel for two years has given out a bourbon barrel aged taste. At first it's really mild, and the flavor is good. But down towards the bottom of the glass or be begins top dominate. Other than that, it's mostly porter, the coffee is more nominal than anything else. But it's a pretty decent porter.
Floral and happy but with a slight tinge of bitter
A hint of maltiness makes this just right
Kind of middle of the road... Nothing stands out but it's quite pleasant to drink.
Mild grapefruit, getting more bitter as I work my way down the glass.
It actually smells like chardonnay or Champaign to me, though I'm coming off of an Engine no 1 which is a remarkably clear&clean lager.
This time it was actually solidly bitter. Not bad, but bitter was the main note.
Smooth and mild for an IPA. A somewhat complicated bit of spice towards the back . This one is at the point where I agonize over bumping it up to a solid, held back only by my disinclination for IPAs.
A nice, grapefruit style IPA
Interestingly, this beer is getting better the further.down the glass I get. If the whole pint tasted like the last quarter, this would easily be a "Yum".
Standard IPA scent with hints of hop juice. Taste is a nice, mild, IPA. Somewhat juicy, with the IPA balanced by a bit of maltiness. This may be my favorite IPA ever.
The tea leaves comes through in the scent. It has a nice, sharp bitterness with little of the pine or citrus overtones so common in IPAs.
The bottom line for this beer is that it's watery. There's a slight added hoppiness from the galaxy hops, but it just ends up disappointing. I suppose it's a good summer beer if you're thirsty and this beer is free. Otherwise, meh.
Slight scent of pine. Mildly bitter to begin with, slowly building until I think I accidentally drank floor cleaner. In the end, it's not just bitter, but it tastes like what's in the bucket _after_ I'm finished mopping the floor.
Intensely sour. But clear and otherwise well balanced with hints of apricot on the finish.
Grapefruit juice with some pine. A hint of peach. I don't really get the tea. It's an interesting beer. "Not something to sit down and drink several of" but an interesting beer to try.
Bananas and orange zest.
It smells fruity, apricot perhaps. The taste is like a mix of a dunkel and a sour. I don't really get either coconut or chocolate. I wonder if that is a matter of aging, given that this beer came out a while ago.
Light and effervescent. Eminently drinkable. Reminds me of a day at the ballpark. One with a really good brewery in the back ...
Actually. This is just extraordinarily good. Good enough that I can't really describe the component parts. All I know is that I want another.
Clean almost lemony lager with just the right amount of bitterness. Extremely drinkable.
Banana is almost overpowering and clove is strong on its heels. Surprisingly bitter, though I wouldn't say it is bitter.
Clean, thick mouth feel. Sweet, with a hint of bitterness. Significant banana in the taste. Very enjoyable. Though may be better without food.
Nice sour, smooth with a final hint of very ripe banana.
This has a sharp pine scent and taste with none of the hop juice flavor I've come to associate with many IPAs. It's not bad and does really cut through the palate.
This has the roasted taste I associate with the dunkel type, maybe slightly burnt tree nut? Not bad. Slight bitterness but filled out a bit with a malt thickness.
Scent of orange zest. Taste is fresh, wit beer, almost floral.
Fairly good. Kind of a bitter floral vibe with more malt balance than usual.
Actually better than other times. Floral scent and a sweet taste. None pf the brackish taste I remember.
Slightly sweet, but a bit brackish tasting which I presume is related to its unfiltered nature.
A little more mild and drinkable than the usual. Citrus, just a hint of pine. Fresh and a little juicy.
It's very bitter, and it doesn't really have much else to it that would appeal to me.
Really not bad. Smoother and less burnt than I would expect from the average stout.
Complaint to the management: there's a gap between "I'm pretty sure I'll buy this again" and "Yum". I'm clearly buying it again, I clearly like it. But is it at the top of the scale?
Nice blend of fruity hop. Not a lot else going on.
Very balanced, hint of coffee in the smell. Very smooth. Hints of caramel and fruity coffee.
Bananas, bananas, bananas. The blend of banana, malt and wheat just doesn't do it get me. Kinda like a homemade protein shake. Watery with flavors adde.
Light, effervescent, hints of apricot.
This time it actually reminds me of the Hop Centric. Strong taste of hop juice, and quite a lot of bitternes.
A slowly building hoppy character and not a whole lot else.
Pine and resin. Nicely balanced with a smooth finish.
RTFL As it says, citrus and pine with a light hop flavor. It's fine, though it might qualify as inoffensive.
Incredibly drinkable. Fruity, a good balance between wine vs. vinegar flavor with a fruity finish reminiscent of prune.
This one was actually simple and uninspiring. Roy says that for some of their beers they use different hops in different batches and that he thinks that this might be one. So perhaps that accounts for the variance.

Showing 200 of 226 log entries