

Latest Club Tastings

Tastings with no tasters

2014-10-08: Redhook Pilsner
2014-07-12: Stiegl Radler

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Hints of pear applesauce, sweet puree; ginger, nutmeg. It’s sweet up-front with a muted tart-funk follow-through. The aftertaste is sweet cereal.
Tastes like fresh tree with a bit of woody backbone. If this helps at all, imagine licking a block of violin rosin.
Sweet, definitely reminiscent of a Japanese lager but has a bit of a syrupy quality that lingers tackily on the tongue.
Malty, Graham cracker sweetness. Bitter finish with just a bit of tartness and vodka to close it out.
Malty, roasty, hoppy. Good but I was hoping for something a little more idiosyncratic or remarkable from an imperial.
My palate is in a different place today. Mostly this is the same but instead of ginger it tastes more genetically rooty and maybe I’m imagining it, but more of a briny flavor.
Clean, tart pomegranate flavor with just a bit of funk and cereal sweetness in the end. This is in contrast to the blood orange sour which was really musty up front.
Caramel and mellow up front but has a bracing grassy bitterness. I think I might slightly prefer it with coffee but it’s very nice.
Light and sweet, with a creamy overtone. Might be a but under-bodied but I find it really drinkable.
Lemony and pungent, although it finishes quite clean. There’s a medicinal quality to the aftertaste.
They've renamed this beer so I don't know if they've reformulated it. It's a pleasant, lightly sweet caramel ale without much character, and I definitely don't taste anything that makes me think of pecans, pie or otherwise.
Dry, darkly fruity and vinous. Grape/currant. Very much like a lightly carbonated wine. I like this very much.
Lighter than I expected. Very chocolate, touch of cinnamon. I guess I can see marshmallow int he follow-on sweetness, but it's more of an overtone that lingers after the flavor.
Cola-like spice and mouthfeel; coffee, light notes of ginger. Finish is sweet-ish, somewhere between the coffee ESB and the rye. Not sure I"m connecting with it, but it is unique.
Caramel, slightly medicinal with notes of licorice and caraway (?). Sweet finish that tastes slightly like the vapor off of a cough drop.
Curious to try the base beer. This is nice, if a little dominated by the coffee. Unsweet, slightly tangy, dry finish. Solidly drinkable.
Bitter up-front, lightly brackish. Slight notes of apple with a cereal finish. Uric. I like this one quite a lot!