Holy Mountain Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Seattle, WA, United States of America

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Affiliated Venues

Holy Mountain Brewing Company (Seattle, WA, United States of America)


Overall average: 70 (logged 66 times)
Holy Mountain Afterswarm Rye Saison: 75 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Beyond Life and Death: 83 (logged 1 time)
Holy Mountain Black Beer: 71 (logged 2 times)
Holy Mountain Bonne Nuit: 50 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Strong Pale Ale
Holy Mountain Cathedral Kolsch: 25 (logged 1 time)
Holy Mountain Celestial Lineage: 67 (logged 2 times)
Holy Mountain Country Death Song: 50 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Lager
Holy Mountain Creation and Providence: 83 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Crystal Ship: 67 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Dawnbringer Session Pale: 75 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Ale
Holy Mountain Deadfall: 67 (logged 1 time)
Barleywine (Aged in Barrels, Bourbon, Whiskey)
Holy Mountain Demonteller Saison: 75 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Divination: 75 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain El Vienna Especial: 50 (logged 1 time)
European-style Amber Lager
Holy Mountain Fresh Hop Pale
American Pale Ale (Wet Hop)
Holy Mountain Grapefruit Saison: 50 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Helmsman: 79 (logged 2 times)
English Dark Mild Ale
Holy Mountain I Who Bend the Tall Grasses: 71 (logged 2 times)
American Pale Wheat Ale
Holy Mountain Kill of the Grange Stout: 75 (logged 1 time)
Holy Mountain Kiln & Cone: 78 (logged 3 times)
American Pale Ale
Holy Mountain King's Head Double Brown Ale: 75 (logged 1 time)
Brown Ale
Holy Mountain Little Donker Belgian Dubbel: 75 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Dubbel Ale
Holy Mountain Low Drone: 67 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Lager
Holy Mountain Mosaic Extra Pale: 42 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Ale
Holy Mountain Om Brett Table Beer: 75 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Pale Ale
Holy Mountain Pilgrimage Hefeweizen: 67 (logged 1 time)
Bavarian Hefeweizen
Holy Mountain River of Ash: 45 (logged 3 times)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Sacred Geometry: 67 (logged 1 time)
Wild Ale
Holy Mountain Sad Songs & Waltzes IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Holy Mountain Saison: 67 (logged 2 times)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Shadowlifter: 92 (logged 1 time)
Holy Mountain Single Patersbier: 83 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Pale Ale
Holy Mountain Slower Dusk Stout: 75 (logged 1 time)
Holy Mountain Spelt Saison: 75 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Stolen Tomb: 75 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Swords to Plowshares Saison: 75 (logged 2 times)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain The Goat: 79 (logged 2 times)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain The Ox
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain The White Lodge: 77 (logged 4 times)
Holy Mountain The Wild Rose IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Holy Mountain Total Depravity: 83 (logged 1 time)
Holy Mountain Transfiguration: 67 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Holy Mountain Vesper Table Beer: 75 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Pale Ale
Holy Mountain Wayward Black Beer: 75 (logged 1 time)
Holy Mountain Witherer Coconut Porter: 67 (logged 1 time)

Limited Edition Single Releases

Holy Mountain The Third Nail: 67 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Pale Ale


Holy Mountain / Chuckanut Oak Aged Weizenbock (collaboration): 71 (logged 2 times)
Weizenbock (Oak)

Logs for beers from this brewery

Plesant-enough creamy stout, but just a little bit too much on the sweet side; it got harder to drink throughout the glass.
Could have been mislabeled as the server seemed unsure, but this does have a classic wit flavor up front. It was the amount of cereal, lager-like, that really appealed to me.
Easy drinking and not at all the bitter-fest that my previous log seems to indicate. Dominant flavors seem to be black coffee and burnt sugar.
Holy Mountain Kiln & Cone (unknown release)
Spicier and slightly more bitter than the Happy Hops. This is probably better balanced but suffers from being after.
Exemplary milk stout. Creamy, only lightly sweet, coffee.
Dry, lightly tart, funky saison. A little more tart than the most interesting Brett beers in memory. But this is pretty good.
Definitely didn’t taste like a Mexican lager. Very hoppy, vegetal, a little soapy.
Very tart, cranberry, puckery. Unremarkable.
I think someone gave this to me over the summer and I’ve only just gotten around to trying it in November. And I feel like this would have been even better on a sultry lazy summer evening… but even on a crisp cool night it’s pretty good. Definitely get the grassy, hoppy thing.
Can at Home
Tastes like a pale on the edge of an IPA.
Can at Jet's house
Not sure what was different between this and the last one I logged - it or me. I really enjoyed this glass, and the previous description I don't recognize at all. Opens light, cereal-sweet, just a hint of coriander and citrus. Refreshing and clean. "Smoke?" Wtf.
Unexpectedly dry, this is maybe the least dessert-like coconut dark beer I've ever had. Thin character, very roasty transitions from toasted coconut to roast bitterness very quickly, with only a bit of alcohol vapor in between. Reminds me a bit of the old Dick's Cream Stout. The aftertaste manages to be sweet. It tastes adult, but maybe not purely enjoyable.
Can at Home
Super alcoholic. Too sweet. Fruitcake? Ew.
A very weird hybrid that sits exactly between a grapefruit/pineapple hazy pale and a sweet pale lager. A lot of cognitive dissonance but in the end I have to say it was good. Not sure it’s a flavor that needed to exist, but it was good.
Strong Belgian spice up front, pleasant grapey (but not explicitly grapefruit to my mind) fruit flavor follows. I just didn’t love the spice flavors here.
Gave off a skunky smell while pouring, but it wasn't evident in the taste. Belgian pale with light spice notes, white pepper, but with a dry, grapey, vinous tartness.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
Good medium-bodied stout, a bit oily and "dirty" tasting. Mental image is of a few coffee grounds making it into the glass. The dirty seems reflected in the thick lattice pattern left by the head.
Belgian saison that trends more toward the Belgian pale end of the flavor spectrum. Subtle white pepper and clove with a kind of juicy effervescence. Not sour, not funky.
Pours thick and profoundly dark, with a dark tan head. Amazing, smooth, very thick stout. Dark plummy finish. A “refined berserker,” it dissipates cleanly to finish. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
Surprisingly good despite a clover character I don’t usually enjoy. A little rooty, a little nutty, toffee/caramel. Like a candy brittle.
I wish I'd taken better notes. I do remember this being very tasty, and a little unusual; possibly wit-like? I'll have to try again to be sure.
A creamy, roasty porter, medium-bodied. Smooth finish. Hints at an English-like yeasty tartness but doesn't actually go there. Still, it's comparable to a Samuel Smith... a quintessential oatmeal stout.
Belgian pale with a very light yeast flavor, very refreshing. Medium-dry. Good cereal finish. Another great beer from Holy Mountain.
Holy cat this was against expectations. There's quite a lot of hoppy character built into this, like a strong CDA with a little more roast and thickness. Somehow still good (I don't usually enjoy this style) but definitely a surprise.
Slightly smoky porter, with the dominant flavor being a roastiness that is on the edge of being too bitter. Finishes mild and clean, which rescues this thing and actually puts it on the side of light.
An unusual but delicious saison. Spicy from the rye, with a slight, vinous tartness, white pepper, and a rich cereal finish. Yummmmm!
Look, this was good. And I don't have a prayer of remembering anything about it. I think I said something about this being the much younger sibling of the 3 Fonteinen. I'm assuming I meant without all the weird funk.
Bottle at Raman's
A very weird, bright, hop perfume meets an orange essential oil slick. Less like a Kolsch (not much cereal, not much yeast) and more like a dry hopping experiment gone wrong.
Dark with just a hint of plum. Smooth and even flavor, but it doesn't really have any other notes.
I don't usually like weizenbocks that much, but this was quite good.
Bracingly tart, lemon-lime sour. Doesn't have the slight headachey sharpness I've gotten from similar sours, but it does come on a bit strong. It kind of effectively masks most of any complexity that might have existed in the finish.
Holy Mountain Deadfall (unknown release)
2016 Big Wood Festival. Candy-like, subdued spice profile.
I have been to the mountain. And I do believe.
Slightly funky-tart saison with a lot of vibrant hop flavor on top. Lemony with a touch of pine, it was viscous and almost fresh-hop-like. Still, a touch more on the IPA side than I want when ordering a saison.
This was pretty good, but I absolutely failed to take notes. Sorry.
Bit of coffee, bit of caramel. I remember this being really good, but this was a victim of too much good, memory-affecting stuff. Sorry.
Funky banana and subtle spice, nothing overt. This saison was much more on the funky / yeasty side than fruit or sour. Complex and enjoyable.
Would have liked to have had more of this. A very mild brown ale with nice cereal to close. But I only had a taste.
Lot of funk on this beer, although overall its flavor is quite good. Lots of dry Belgian spice, the smoky ones a bit accentuated. Not much citrus if at all, which is a touch I usually like in witbiers.
Dry, saisony pale with a bit of white wine hat the front and back of the flavor. Subtle tartness and a pleasant late cereal entrance. There's a strong, yeasty funk bitterness that pervades the flavor and builds up over time. It overwhelms the flavor a bit, knocking it down a notch.
I just like milk stouts and this one is pretty representative of the category but I was promised rye and that I find missing so...
Sweeter than most milk stouts I've tried, almost overly so -- I don't know if that is from being on nitro. Combined with a whole lot of roast, this recalls campfire s'mores, but the pungent umami of the sweetness interfered with my enjoyment somewhat.
Wow. This smells like old cigarette ash. In the mouth is has a somewhat full body with hints of artificial cherry liquor, that fades into the ash, which lingers for quite a while.
What Eden said. Basically I'm disappointed because I thought the cherry would be tart and it's just not there.
Overtones of chocolate and cherry without overt fruitiness or tartness.
Very crisp resinous hop flavors. Leaves a cereal aftertaste. Medium-high bitterness.
Super-fragrant - grapefruit at first, but almost orangey in its fruitiness. Rounded hop-fruit flavor and a sweet cereal finish. Mild bitterness builds up over time, which you could say is not in my wheelhouse, but ... I really loved the flavors here.
A malty, sweet brown, moderately thick in the mouth (uhh, did I just say that?) and smoothed out on nitro. No weird nitro flavors that I noticed. Not barrel aged, making it the lone outlier in today's group, but one of the tastier beers on the list.
Hum, I find it hard to describe this beer properly. It has a very upfront hoppyness, with subtle hints of citrus. The aftertaste reminds me strongly of cereals (wet cereals?, rye?). Also has some funkyness/tang that I can't seem to put a flavor on.