Thirsty Hop

13102 NE 70th Pl

Kirkland, WA, United States of America

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Really nice Pilsner, brackish, bitter, a little hoppy, but also cereal-sweet like a Helles. This is great.
Thick, mellow, chocolate and toffee.
Breakside La Maison du Bang! (unknown release)
Plummy and tacky, drying finish. Definitely feels like a very strong beer.
Lemon-pine, thin up front like a soda. Finishes more Pilsner-like, brackish, grassy.
Extremely sweet if not syrupy, but ironically, tastes like syrup. Bit of burnt sugar, caramel. The syrup character is so accurate that it feels tackled on, surely these didn’t ferment with the beer?
Boozy for sure, and stronger than you expect even knowing the ABV going in. If you can get past that there’s a nice caramel coffee stout underneath it all. You probably want to call it one and done though.
Been a long time, and remarkably delicious. It has the basic Belgian flavors you'd expect but at least today there was a really bright and appropriately balanced fruit flavor in there too - apple maybe? I wish I'd taken notes but I do remember liking it.
Lemon-pine but also quite bitter and resinous. Gets more dank as time goes by.
Light, sweet, citrus. Like an Orangina with the barest amount of hop resin. Does build up in bitterness on the finish, but this is very drinkable.
Sweet, thin, hop juice.
Impressions from last time still hold, except I’m not sure it grew on me this time.
Extremely light, nominally sweet, refreshing rice lager. Not crisp, but mellow.
Extremely sweet; so sweet that I thought I had gotten some other beer by mistake.
Delicious and sweet; light. If uncomplicated.
Jammy, oversweet blueberry is a lot to take. Not much soy backbone to balance this. That said, it is exactly what you might expect.
Holy Mountain Kiln & Cone (unknown release)
Spicier and slightly more bitter than the Happy Hops. This is probably better balanced but suffers from being after.
Exceedingly pleasant, lemon-pine IPA. On the sweet and resinous side but avoids being unpleasant. Just enough cereal to balance. Clean finish.
Light and non sweet with an overtone of molasses and spice. Perfect for what I needed. Cookie-like.
Smooth, citrus, juicy. Lightly sweet. A hint of pith on the aftertaste but it fades without bitterness.
This is definitely on the dessert side, but any raw edges are mellowed out by smooth, buttery caramel. Yes, please.
Came on a little strong for my mood today.
Tasty but raw. Lots of booze, malt, caramel. Wears its strength on its sleeve.
I found this strangely subdued in flavor; not sure if it was the beer or if it was me. It still tasted very good - light molasses and plummy flavors fading into malt. And it's certainly been a while since I had a B-Bomb, but I just expected it to be more flamboyant, especially this young.
Lightly sweet, brackish, grassy, buttery - but in the end, clean.
I mean, by this point you pretty much know what you're getting with this.
Very strange flavor at first before I realized this was kind of an unsweet maple syrup beer. Burnt sugar. Grew on me.
Sweet and jammy but not tart. Doesn’t have the body or roast I’d expect from a Baptist variant so the ellipsis is in the pie here. Strong, though, with a dry, bitter aftertaste.
I mean, yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Unusually dark, latticed head, although apparently opinions differ? Chocolate, toffee, stone fruit, very smooth but also a touch tart. Delicious but tacky.
Light, bubbly, I don’t know if The Goat wrecked my palate but this did seem a lot more funky on the finish than I remember. It’s still really nice though.
Dry, lightly tart, funky saison. A little more tart than the most interesting Brett beers in memory. But this is pretty good.
The least beer-like of the bunch, but it is drinkable. It has a kind of dilute sparkling wine crossed with light lager character about it; sweet-ish, fruit-ish, sparkly-ish.
Mixed opinion on this, as it very much does not feel like a Japanese lager, but it is an interesting beer. Sweet, murky, a little light, a little yeasty. I think there’s a little rice wine, 막걸리 in the flavor profile.
Brighter and clearer than the Two Hearted, more lemony and metallic in the backbone. It’s still very nice for an assertive IPA.
Really quite nice; maybe I’ve matured as a beer drinker. Dry, clean finish. Starts grapefruit-pine, a hint of cereal, pithy but not highly bit.
Sweet without being syrupy, graham cracker and biscuity. Fruity?
Sweet, on the verge of syrupy, pine resin IPA with a strong hit of alcohol. Not bitter but that’s not quite enough to make me like it.
Creamy, sweet (but not too sweet) stout. Strong milk chocolate all the way through. Slight weirdness on the finish, chalky and burnt.
Mellow tripel with some cherry-apricot notes, maybe from the barrel. Whiskey sheen on top.
Couldn’t take it. Too sweet, too syrupy, a bit of that burnt toffee over it all. Might just be the contrast with the other beers but I just didn’t enjoy it today.
Super resinous and pithy for a pale, with a sweet syrupy hop sheen. Quite bitter on top. The finish is nice, though, sweet cereal and a bit of cloudy funk.
Appley tart beer with medium funk but bright flavors. Clean finish.
Buttery, slightly estery, moving into a grassy, cucumbery finish. Very clean and refreshing.
Weakly sour, with a raspberry-Tang flavor that sits between artificial and real fruit flavors. Not bad but feels more like a juice box than a beer. No hint of salt at all.
Light dark lager, bit of coffee but dwarfed by the Black House. Light finish, not roasty or acidic at all.
Sweet grassy lager, helles-like but cloudier in both appearance and flavor. Refreshing and tasty!
Cloudy, slightly fruity, but with otherwise mellow Kolsch-like flavors. Not exactly crisp, but pretty darned tasty.
Delicious dry citrus sour. Bit of a hop sheen on top. Quite tart, leaves a touch of salt on the lips.
Pure hop resin, extremely front-loaded bitterness. A bit like burnt rubber. Did not finish this beer, probably not making a good personal elegy for the brewery.
On draft again, this was definitely much better than in a can.
Next to the Holy Mountain, this was super-clean and clear-tasting. Light black coffee notes with just a touch of cola/fruit to start. Transparent finish.
Good medium-bodied stout, a bit oily and "dirty" tasting. Mental image is of a few coffee grounds making it into the glass. The dirty seems reflected in the thick lattice pattern left by the head.
Very light, smooth from nitro, but a pleasant, light flavor. Like other nitro cream ales (think Hale's) but with a touch more caramel.
Nitro Draft
Roasty light porter with coconut; not sweet but the coconut is toasty and mellow. Liked this a lot.
Very much in the vein of the Wild Ride Nut Crusher - closer to Peanut Butter Crunch than a Reese's. Slightly below that other beer in overall coherence of flavor, I think, but still super-drinkable. And at least this wasn't nitro.
Good, solid, scotch ale that tastes like a scotch ale. I mean, I guess that doesn't sound particularly compelling? But I like solid scotch ales. Also I'm sad since this might be the last Naked City beer I ever get to drink.
Cloudy brown ale with a savory flavor not unlike saltine crackers or pretzel. Not a common kind of beer, and one which I really like.
Belgian saison that trends more toward the Belgian pale end of the flavor spectrum. Subtle white pepper and clove with a kind of juicy effervescence. Not sour, not funky.
A smooth, creamy nitro milk stout with an immediate hit of strong chili spice. It evens out the bland-sweetness you normally get form nitro. No hint of unpleasant soapiness. Pretty good, though that spice sticks with you.
Nitro Draft
Described as a stout with banana, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla, and it basically meets all of the above. Sweet and desserty, syrupy but not cloying, it tastes exactly like a fudge banana split. I don't love super sweet beers, but this was surprisingly enjoyable.
Medium sweet medium thick chocolatey stout, slight cherry, more hop dankness than I’d like.
Tart, intensely peachy, pie spice. Interesting overtone of wood smoke.
Surprisingly good despite a clover character I don’t usually enjoy. A little rooty, a little nutty, toffee/caramel. Like a candy brittle.
Sweet citrusy pale, mango syrup finish, somewhat insipid finish.
Yeah, this was a super good coconut chocolate stout. Not nearly as over-sweet as Skookum's strong stouts tend to be, this was perfectly balanced. Seems they've bottled this as well!
Starts with a hit of fragrant hops but transitions weirdly into like a cherry dessert bar. Oats and sweet cherry and a hint of cinnamon. It's a nice flavor but it really feels like two separate drinks smashed together.
I don't have the non-fresh hop version to compare this with, but this seems more bitter and less fruity than I remember. Touch of dry resin. After some food this did taste smoother though.
This was really delicious, a sour hazy IPA! Combination I've never seen before. Grapefruit opening, a dry sour close, dissipating into an immaculate, clean finish. Loved it.
Light pumpkin spice, caramel amber. Thin body but quite pleasant.
Unusually hazy/yeasty for an Oktoberfest. Flavors are decent, but muddy. Suffers greatly in direct comparison to the Black Raven from last night.
Best beer of the flight, but still topping out at a "Decent." Mellow, thin stout. Bit of roast, a sesame-ish unguent character on the tongue. Not too sweet. Smooth and drinkable.
Sweetish grapefruit IPA. Not super-remarkable, but pretty pleasant.
Fruity but not tart. Peach is subtle; main flavors here are coriander-clove Belgian spice. I don't normally gravitate to that flavor profile, but this was quite decent.
Disappointingly mediocre offering from this brewery.
Unusually cloudy for a Pils. Mild forward bitterness, coriander-ish funk. Finish is a bit cereal, a bit bitter.
The most normal of the beers. Somewhat thinner than most breakfast stouts, tasting like a cream coffee porter. Slightly sweet and more than average roast.
I wish I'd taken better notes. I do remember this being very tasty, and a little unusual; possibly wit-like? I'll have to try again to be sure.
Thick, milshakey stout. Not an overwhelming finish, but still dessert-like, with a creamy marshmallow flavor. Directly in this flight, I liked the Holy Mountain a lot better than this.
A creamy, roasty porter, medium-bodied. Smooth finish. Hints at an English-like yeasty tartness but doesn't actually go there. Still, it's comparable to a Samuel Smith... a quintessential oatmeal stout.
This beer seriously tastes like someone took half a glass of dry white wine and blended it with have a glass of pithy IPA. Starts wine, finishes beer, and never really feels like the two halves combined into a single drink.
Easy-drinking dark ale; a good roastiness giving way to notes of dark chocolate. Thin body.
Strong example of a German pilsner, clean hop bitterness, cereal, some uric tang on the finish.
A very dry saison with lots of Belgian spice, particularly clove. Not the most harmonious blend.
I had wanted Reuben's Hazy IPA, but they were out. This was advertised as juicy, but it was more of a standard Northwest IPA flavor. Excellent IPA, though, clear and fragrant, fruit and pine. Clean cereal finish, no oily bitterness. Unsurprisingly good, given the brewery.
Thick, sweet, fake cherry. Cloying finish, like cough syrup. I mean, yuck.
Dessert-like, not syrupy but still a little too sweet for me to love. This is a hard balance to hit, I think. It's the cinnamon trap! At least it didn't taste like potpourri, and it was way better than the Dragon's Milk.
Belgian pale with a very light yeast flavor, very refreshing. Medium-dry. Good cereal finish. Another great beer from Holy Mountain.
Another opaque, juicy, NE-style beer from Skookum. This one I liked the most of those I've tried, though -- maybe it's the mellow finish from being a less strong beer, but the pale citrus, hops and cereal seemed to be perfectly in balance here. Nice buttery transition into the finish too.
Smooth, caramel, surprisingly mellow. Whiskey notes and a bit of a bite on the finish. Really very tasty.
The bottle label of this beer implies this is the base of Perennial's other big stouts, and it shows. Almost candy sweet, thick; somehow not crazy overdone but still something that can only be had in small doses. Lots of vanilla.
Toasty, buttery coconut. Immediately sweet but balanced very quickly with a good (but not overdone) amount of roast. If I had to compare it would be like Maui's Imperial Coconut. Very, very tasty.
Very fragrant, tasty hops. Solidly bitter on the end, high-alpha without being too pithy. Might as well have been an IPA though, can't detect anything that screams lager here.
Light, fragrant, fruity-hoppy pale ale. Next to the Solid Gold it is a bit thin, but it's still pretty good.
Just an excellent lager, rich cereal flavor, slightly sweet, slightly buttery. Delicious.
Quite tart, very fruity. Slight salt in the aftertaste. Pretty good but also like a lot of other beers out there.
Dry berry flavor counters the hoppy, base IPA. It's a good balance. But nothing will overcome my natural distaste for boysenberries.
Holy cat this was against expectations. There's quite a lot of hoppy character built into this, like a strong CDA with a little more roast and thickness. Somehow still good (I don't usually enjoy this style) but definitely a surprise.
A smooth, thick stout with the most disturbingly accurate strawberry ice cream flavor I've ever encountered in a beer. All three of the Neapolitan components are definitely here, but this is somehow coherently a beer too. I'm glad it's not colored accurately, though!
Light coconut, dark chocolate roast, tending toward the bitter rather than sweet. Thin body. Just ever-so-slightly sour on the finish. I know it doesn't sound like it, but I did think this was yummy.
Slightly smoky porter, with the dominant flavor being a roastiness that is on the edge of being too bitter. Finishes mild and clean, which rescues this thing and actually puts it on the side of light.
Fruity, caramel, metallic, bready, poky alcohol. Thesaurus me, bro.
An unusual but delicious saison. Spicy from the rye, with a slight, vinous tartness, white pepper, and a rich cereal finish. Yummmmm!
Coconut blends in with the nitro blandness a little too well, and the rest is just... burnt-tasting. It takes a lot for me to dis a coconut beer, and this one's got a lot.
Nitro Draft
Interesting, smooth and light. Guava-ish.
This I barely remember. It seemed solid enough.
Straight, sweet bourbon finish on a thick, strong porter. Not refined, although tasty enough. Bit of cherry wood.
I get the trick now; this doesn't actually taste like a stout other than it is devoid of the more fragrant notes you'd expect from a golden beer. Very smooth, and more chocolate than roast (as you'd predict). More sparkly than most nitro beers. I liked this.
Nitro Draft
Fragrant, light, effervescent IPA. Good, but honestly, like a hundred others.
This was so good, you guys. Like cold-press young apple cider mixed with a sweet cereal beer. I COULD DRINK FOREVER.
Lots and lots of blackberry. Tastes almost more juice than beer, but definitely less IPA than you'd expect.
This was still good, but almost a bit too rich after two very good beers. And since it had a pretty similar profile to the Matchless, this one gets knocked down a peg.
I'd call this a stout more than a porter, based solely on thickness, but who cares? It was delicious. Creamy, roasty dark ale, with light hints of sweet, bitter, coffee, and umami. Nothing pokes out; everything is super well-balanced.
So, Pumking is great, but if you were looking for something to cut the sweet, pie custard quality of that beer, this is probably exactly what the doctor ordered. A fairly roasty coffee flavor counteracts a very Pumking opening and makes for a different ending. Drama, not comedy, if you're in that mood!
A rich, thick umami-sweet stout, what you'd expect from Midnight Sun. Starts sweet but dries out very quickly, leaving a molassesy, burnt bitter finish. A bit of a cherry syrup quality throughout.
Starts a bit like a typical dunkel lager, but very quickly goes weirdly metallic/medicinal, somewhere between ginseng and ginger. Not awful, but It was definitely a bit off-putting.
Lightly sour. Thin and very dry, unusually not-juicy for a raspberry beer. But I hate raspberry, and I really liked this.
Chuckanut Fest Bier (unknown release)
A really tasty beer, definitely more of a richly-flavored Helles lager than a marzen. Pours clear and gold.
Wonderfully balanced creamy chocolate stout. Just enough vanilla to smoothen and sweeten the stout to a remarkably clean finish. No notable rough edges. Only thing kind of missing in action is the orange flavor, but I didn't really care. I kept waiting for this to get worse, but it didn't.

Showing 200 of 333 log entries