Epic Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Salt Lake City, UT, United States of America

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 74 (logged 64 times)
Big Bad Baptist Pecan Pie Rare Release: 83 (logged 2 times)
Epic 825 State Stout: 67 (logged 1 time)
Epic Big Bad Baptist Black Gold: 75 (logged 1 time)
Epic Big Bad Baptist Brew Master's Keep: 92 (logged 1 time)
Epic Big Bad Baptist Imperial Stout: 78 (logged 15 times)
Stout (Imperial / Double, Aged in Barrels, Bourbon, Whiskey)
Epic Blue Ski Lager
European-style Pale Lager
Epic Brainless IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
Belgian India Pale Ale / IPA
Epic Brainless on Cherries Belgian-Style Ale: 75 (logged 2 times)
Fruit Beer (Aged in Barrels, Oak)
Epic Brainless on Peaches Belgian-Style Ale: 67 (logged 1 time)
Fruit Beer (Aged in Barrels, Oak)
Epic Brainless Raspberries Belgian-Style Ale: 50 (logged 1 time)
Fruit Beer
Epic Brewing Big Bad Baptist: 67 (logged 1 time)
Epic Copper Cone Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
Epic Elder Brett: 92 (logged 1 time)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Epic Escape to Colorado IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Epic Fermentation Without Representation Imperial Pumpkin Porter: 76 (logged 7 times)
Pumpkin Ale (Imperial / Double)
Epic Glutenator: 50 (logged 1 time)
Vegetable / Spice / Herb Beer (Gluten Free)
Epic Hop Syndrome Lager: 61 (logged 3 times)
American Pale Lager
Epic Hopulent IPA: 58 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)
Epic Imperial Red Ale: 75 (logged 1 time)
Amber / Red Ale (Imperial / Double)
Epic Los Locos Mexican-Style Lager: 42 (logged 1 time)
American Adjunct Lager
Epic Pfeifferhorn Lager: 67 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Lager
Epic Put the IPA in the Coconut: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Epic Quintuple Barrel Big Bad Baptist: 67 (logged 2 times)
Epic RiNo Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
Epic Sextuple Barrel Big Bad Baptist: 72 (logged 3 times)
Epic Smoked & Oaked Belgian-Style Ale: 67 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Strong Dark Ale (Smoked, Oak, Whiskey)
Epic Son of a Baptist Coffee Stout: 79 (logged 2 times)
Epic Sour Apple Saison
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Epic Spiral Jetty IPA: 50 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Epic Tart 'n Juicy Sour IPA: 75 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Epic Triple Barrel Big Bad Baptist: 96 (logged 2 times)
Falling Monk: 75 (logged 1 time)
Belgian Quadrupel Ale

Limited Edition Single Releases

Epic Big Bad Baptista Imperial Stout: 81 (logged 3 times)
Stout (Imperial / Double, Aged in Barrels, Whiskey)

Logs for beers from this brewery

Thick, mellow, chocolate and toffee.
You get a hit of that mezcal right up front - smoke, a little brine. This is otherwise a balanced stout, not too sweet, a bit tacky on the finish, with a mellow vanilla-chocolate flavor that results in a long finish. Strong!
Bottle at Odin Lounge
This is definitely on the dessert side, but any raw edges are mellowed out by smooth, buttery caramel. Yes, please.
Way too sweet… much better coffee presence than the Dead Man’s Hands but also a candy-like coconut-maple syrup quality.
It’s too sweet like how Starbucks is too sweet.
Sweet and light, chocolate, whiskey, mellow finish but not without a strong alcohol flavor.
Sweet and jammy but not tart. Doesn’t have the body or roast I’d expect from a Baptist variant so the ellipsis is in the pie here. Strong, though, with a dry, bitter aftertaste.
This was good, and the mouthfeel was right - not too thick, but flavorwise probably a bit too sweet. You'd have to like marzipan a lot, I think. Didn't taste the salt - primarily a cacao-coconut into marzipan kind of thing going on here - and for me, not much wood.
Bottle at Home
I’m reminded of Homer Simpson asking Apu, “what do you have in the way of a dessert burrito?”
Bottle at Chez Kim
Strong smell of molasses, coffee, and cocoa. Strong fizzy forward. Acidic clean body. Was worried that it'd be too sweet but so far this is like a toasty pecan pie, sorta.
Good over vanilla ice cream...
Bottle at Home
More immediately enjoyable than the Hazelnut Vanilla Latte variant. There's a rich chocolate scent and flavor that really meets the expectations of the name.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
Nothing exceptional, at least in this company. But tasty. Light, balanced.
Having this midday was probably a mistake. It’s thick. Like molasses. That said, it was still a tasty meal.
Bottle at Home
This is a really good sour. The IPA is very much in the background.
Can at Work
Smells deliciously of coconut, no doubt the dominant flavor. This is an unabashedly sweet beer, very dessert-like. Light coffee slightly counteracts it, but it's still very intense. This is a hair less balanced than the basically-perfect coconut B-Bomb, but it's definitely delicious.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
It's special. The bourbon picks up as the quad leaves. Incredibly well balanced. Some oak shows through at the end.
Notably sweet but still somehow well-balanced... like a dessert cinnamon coffee drink, but never gets too rich to enjoy. My memory tells me this is less complex but less overwhelming cousin to coffee cinnamon b-bomb, but we'll put that to the test soon enough.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
From way back in the log. "Sour?" I had written.
Epic Son of a Baptist Coffee Stout (#14 / Hotbox Tequila Barrel-Aged)
Nitro Draft at Thirsty Hop, Kirkland
Epic Son of a Baptist Coffee Stout (#14 / Hotbox Tequila Barrel-Aged)
So... surprisingly, this was a non barrel-aged beer made with barrel-aged coffee beans, which was weird. I don't think the bourbon came through, but maybe it did in the sheer mellowness of the coffee flavor in this beer. I don't like nitro, but I still loved this beer, with its creamy finish.
Nitro Draft at Thirsty Hop, Kirkland
Quite sweet AND bitter. Raspberry flavors are quite strong but don't really mix well with the bitterness. Gets better once your mouth is used to the bitterness.
Bottle at Home
Pretty good with some interesting vegetal flavors. No traces of the Christmas spices I despise so much in pumpkin beers.
This was awesome. If you love Black Raven's Pour les Oiseaux (which I do!) this is all of the same things - vinous, buttery, funky, malty. Perhaps a tiny touch sweeter, maybe a little more fruit, but definitely the same ballpark, and -- I hope -- easier to get a hold of as well.
Bottle at Xbeer One
A bit strong, 11.2%abv. Fruity scent, but the taste is more beer than i might have expected. Malty, with a mild, barrel aged character.
Bottle at A Friend's
Tamed pumpkin spice flavors. Has additional herbal flavors.
Bottle at Xbeer One
Lots of coffee on the nose, and a roast, dry coffee flavor as well. It's not a lot like other barrel aged stouts, in that it's more interested in pushing a great coffee flavor than boozy sweetness, and that's something to appreciate.
Gingersnap smell. Fakes cloying sweet at start then goes slightly soured pumpkin pie filing. Good body but gets tangy and tacky at the end.
Not bad, nothing special though. Pretty crisp,
Can at Home
It was just a small taster pour, but it was a nice reminder of this beer that exceeded my memory of it. Maybe because it was a different coffee. Much drier than Barry.
Epic Hopulent IPA (unknown release)
Nitro IPA? What has this world come to? A little too hoppy for me, but the citrus afternotes were awesome. You need to be in a mood for a rich IPA for this guy.
Basically coffee, with a slight hint of beer.
A well crafted and well balanced imperial stout but I don't have a taste for coffee.
Strong coffee on the nose, with a big hit of bourbon. Flavorwise it's very sweet, almost on the edge of too much, with a thin body and decent amounts of everything else - coffee, wood, bourbon, and chocolate. I'd love to try one of the other releases, since they use a different coffee each time.
Wet wood taste. Alcohol burn off with espresso flavor. Thickish.
Oooh. Very nice, mellow and clean. Nice chocolate and subtle spice finish in a thin but flavorful porter.
Very Belgian, but with a faint sweet caramel finish, maybe from the wood? The smoke is not overpowering but still feels a little at odds with the flavor. I don't get the Scotch Whisky that others talk about, but it was decent.
Pleasant, tripel-esque. Peach flavor is faint at best.
You would think that a gluten-free beer made from sweet potatoes and molasses would be awesome. You would be horribly, bitterly, tongue-scrapingly wrong.