Widmer Brothers Brewing

Commercial Brewery | Portland, OR, United States of America

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 68 (logged 74 times)
Omission IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Gluten Free)
Omission Lager: 58 (logged 2 times)
European-style Pale Lager (Gluten Free)
Omission Pale Ale: 71 (logged 4 times)
American Pale Ale (Gluten Free)
Widmer / Breakside Aquavit Barrel-Aged Saison à Fleurs: 88 (logged 2 times)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Widmer Alchemy Ale: 53 (logged 5 times)
American Pale Ale
Widmer Barrel-Aged Old Enbalmer Barleywine Ale
Barleywine (Aged in Barrels, Wine)
Widmer Brotha From Anotha Motha: 50 (logged 4 times)
Bavarian Hefeweizen
Widmer Brrr Seasonal Ale: 79 (logged 2 times)
Winter Warmer
Widmer Brrrbon Barrel Aged Ale: 76 (logged 6 times)
Winter Warmer (Imperial / Double, Aged in Barrels, Bourbon)
Widmer Chocolate Russian Imperial Stout
Stout (Imperial / Double)
Widmer Citra Blonde Summer Brew
American Blonde Ale
Widmer Columbia Common Spring Ale: 75 (logged 2 times)
California Common / Steam Beer
Widmer Dark and Dank Fresh Hop Lager: 92 (logged 1 time)
European-style Dark Lager (Wet Hop)
Widmer Double M.A.C. Session IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Widmer Drifter Pale Ale: 25 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Ale
Widmer Drop Top Amber Ale: 55 (logged 5 times)
Amber / Red Ale
Widmer Falconer's IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Widmer Ginger Brrrbon Barrel Aged Ale: 75 (logged 5 times)
Winter Warmer
Widmer Hefe: 67 (logged 7 times)
American Pale Wheat Ale
Widmer Hefe Berry Lime: 67 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Wheat Ale
Widmer Hopside Down India Pale Lager: 75 (logged 1 time)
American Pale Lager
Widmer KGB Russian Imperial Stout
Stout (Imperial / Double)
Widmer Kill Devil Brown Ale: 75 (logged 1 time)
Brown Ale
Widmer Marionberry Hibiscus Göse: 63 (logged 2 times)
Widmer Nelson Imperial IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)
Widmer O'Ryely IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Widmer Okto Festival Ale: 65 (logged 4 times)
Widmer Old Enbalmer Barleywine Ale: 71 (logged 2 times)
Widmer Pitch Black IPA
Black IPA / Cascadian Dark Ale / American Black Ale
Widmer Raspberry Russian Imperial Stout
Stout (Imperial / Double)
Widmer Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte: 75 (logged 1 time)
European-style Dark Lager
Widmer South by Northwest Imperial Brown Ale: 77 (logged 5 times)
Brown Ale (Imperial / Double)
Widmer Steel Bridge Porter: 67 (logged 3 times)
Widmer Tang-A-Rang Tropical Sour: 71 (logged 4 times)
Fruit Beer
Widmer Upheaval IPA: 67 (logged 1 time)
American India Pale Ale / IPA
Widmer Vanilla Brrrbon Barrel Aged Ale
Winter Warmer (Imperial / Double, Aged in Barrels, Bourbon)


Widmer / 10 Barrel Fizz Spritzer Style Ale (collaboration): 67 (logged 1 time)
Fruit Beer
Widmer / Boneyard Blacklight IPA (collaboration): 75 (logged 1 time)
Black IPA / Cascadian Dark Ale / American Black Ale
Widmer / Breakside Saison à Fleurs (collaboration)
Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Widmer / Deschutes Altbitter (collaboration): 83 (logged 1 time)
American Strong Ale (Imperial / Double, Aged in Barrels, Whiskey)
Widmer / Ninkasi Erradical (collaboration)
Cream Ale (Aged in Barrels, Pinot Noir)

Logs for beers from this brewery

Can at Mema’s
Smells very brightly of guava. Tastes not so much like beer as maybe a dry pog soda or cooler. It would probably be easy to drink a lot of this without knowing. "Much better than you'd expect from Widmer."
Bottle at A Friend's
Light. Smells like POG. Which is kinda disturbingly good.
Bottle at Casa de Calvin, Bothell
Just a taste of this, but enough to know I didn't like it. Citrus. Fennel. Rubber.
Lots of lime, sweet cereal finish. The lime flavor is somewhat cloying, almost like candy. Kind of an oily finish.
Definitely lives up to the name. A mildly sweet, caramelly-chocolate beer with a buttery coconut finish smoothing everything out. Just a hint of cherry underneath it all. It's not syrupy, which is why it succeeds.
Lots of lager-like qualities here, but slightly off - a little too fruity, almost apple-like, and the malt character lacked... something. I guess that's to be expected?
I mean, we were on a boat. Your argument is invalid.
Bottle at Lake Washington
Smooth, somewhat sweet . Maybe I'm one of those masses .
Bottle at my sister's
Tasty, mildly tart saison. The Aquavit lent a character that was vegetal and alcoholic. I honestly don't remember too much more about this.
Quite good. The green chili flavors are clearly present but almost without any spiciness.
Picked up this old bottle unexpectedly at a shop. A marked contrast to the Bourbon County, this opens smooth and chocolaty, like an after-dinner chocolate, but with a fast developing savoriness that brings to mind stewed chilies. The green chile is more of the fruit flavor than it is spice, although a mild warmth does build up over time. Mellow and much better than expected.
Very strong roasted malt taste, even a little bit burnt. Slight cereal flavor, but other feels a little bit too clean.
Roast coffee and sweet, oatmeal-like malt. Very, very pleasant (and it was cheap, too!)
Plain malt, fizzy body, lemon touches.
A surprise from Widmer, here was a caramel-toffee amber with a lager-like sweet-bitter maltiness and smooth but obvious rye whiskey overtones. Like a less-sophisticated Sucaba, but still very much balanced. I wish I'd gotten more than the taster.
Pleasant American Hefe with a tangy yeast profile. Possibly gone stale; I wouldn't know. A bit of a sharp tang at the beginning and end, like lemon juice, gives it some character, although the flavor other than that is fairly straightforward.
Bottle at Home
Scent of orange zest Hints of citrus with a mild bitterness.
Maybe it sat for too long, but this was nearly totally flat, and that flatness made the bourbon sweetness come out a bit overdone. A shame, because the flavors were clearly good -- toffee and bourbon and wood.
Bottle at Xbeer One
A bit floral up from with some malt mid-palate, pretty much unremarkable and nowhere near the flavor of a true German Marzen.
Bottle at Home
Smooth, hints of orange and a wheaty finish
Bottle at Home
Butterscotch flavor with pleasant bourbon hues and warm finish.
Sweet cereal bourbon flavor with some aged complexity of the winter warmer variety. A buttery acidic bite.
Slightly sharper initial taste, surprisingly hoppy with more residual tack. Less bourbon expression and sweeter cereal body.
Light bourbon-sheen smell. Sweet and tack-free nut-caramel taste. Alcohol bite at end with a bit of a bitterness. Finishes with a bit of walnut.
Bananas, cloves, a bit under carbonated.
Bottle at Den of Iniquity
Dry, crisp, dark malty, with a touch of crisp hops. Thin fizzy body.
Pleasant IPA that doesn't blow me away but which at least avoids all the things I usually don't like about IPAs. Nice fragrance, dry-ish flavor, no resin or syrupy notes, mildly-bitter finish. That last might have been impacted by the bitterness from the ReNEWale, though.
Tastes like cloved banana bread, if you removed all of the flour and diluted it a bit in carbonated water. This makes it still leaps better than Wells Banana Bread Beer, but it's remarkably one-note.
On the one hand, it's a very light-drinking, fragrant steam beer crossed with a sweeter-malt amber lager like a Sam Adams. On the other, there's a fascinating subtle turn of flavor as the finish evaporates into lager funk that reminds me of -- cherries? Caramel chews? Something that cuts the bitterness. I'd try it again.
Bottle at Home
What worked: mellow barrel taste, warm ginger spice & a malt-strong finish. What didn't work so well: Widmer kicks you in the teeth with ALCOHOL!, as usual, and I also wanted more ginger fruitiness.
Sweet sour smell. Sweet ginger cereal taste with ginger heat to the finish.
Smells and tastes of piney hops and apple, I think? Overt alcohol and then a malty finish. All in all, I think it's a little bit too blatant for me to enjoy, or maybe I'm just hooked on healthy aging for these high gravity brews.
Hop smell. Sour, bitter, cereal body. Some woodiness in finish.
Floral finishing hoppiness, almost perfume but with resin.
Bottle at Home
Got this in the combo pack as the seasonal. Only better toss-in seasonal I've had may be Winter Hook
Bottle at Home
Bottle at Beacon Hill
Bottle at Beacon Hill
I might be heartbroken that I might not find this beer again. Malty and a touch hoppy
Draft at Fresh Hop Ale Festival Yakima, WA
Very solid choice, a beer I enjoy.
Bottle at Beacon Hill
It tastes... ambery. Lightly toasted, lightly malty, goes down easily without anything offensive or particularly notable happening. Pretty decent. It just doesn't really taste like an Oktoberfestbier, and I guess it actually isn't one. So... at least that happened? (Thanks, Ryan!)
Bottle at Home
Nice cereal body, like toasted corn/wheat. Clean and small amount of sweetness.
Bottle at Home
Faint berry smell when cold. Not too familiar with marionberries but this tastes like a tart berry, like a dry unsweetend cranberry-grapefruit fizzy drink. Not very sweet or syrupy which is appreciated.
Refreshing and inoffensive, fragrant with some malt, kind of halfway between a Redhook ESB and a Long Hammer IPA. Just enough flavor to stand out.
Generic beer smell. Decent punchy start, tastes hollow though and finishes short.
Bottle at Work
Tastes like it could be popular with the masses.
Gluten-free pale ale has a familiar flavor, similar in balance to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. So far, the most solidly beer-flavored of my experiments. Excellent when very cold.
Gluten-free* offering from Widmer Brothers is inoffensive, low alcohol, tastes like it used to be beer. Reminds me of MGD Lite. Better than many sorghum-based GF beers, by virtue of beer ingredients. *Made from barley and processed to 20ppm or less, boasts specific gluten levels available by bottle code.
Nice easy drinking ale; seasonal brew made from nearly extinct Columbia hop.