Redmond Hop House
8300 160th Ave NE
Redmond, WA, United States of America
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Logs for this venue

Very hoppy, dry red with some caramel. Unpleasant.

Extremely sour, like prune juice vinegar. If that doesn't sound sexy to you, well, then you know how I felt.

Starts with a watery cereal/yeast flavor but moves into a strong, almost distractingly pungent buttery overtone. It's not unpleasant, exactly, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Piney, bitter hop flavor, a little oily/perfumey. Finishes with a little sweet touch of diacetyls. Lingers bitter in the throat.

Very coffee; chocolates, roasty, not very sweet. Tastes strongly alcoholic, which is a negative.

Does not taste like a double IPA. Green apple flavors, lightly sweet. Finishes with a weightless candy-like lightness. Strikingly different.

Mellow hazy IPA with a lightly pithy finish. Little bit grapefruit, little bit apple.

Orange cream soda fragrance and initial flavor, ends like a mellow pale, little hoppy. Dry finish. Very pleasant.

Either this was wine-barreled or Big Block's barrels are infected. Given I've just tried their plain scotch ale and with my memory of both the plain RIS and barrel-aged Scotch Ale, the barrel-aged beers come out extremely sour and funky, just a bit more than Bellevue's similar-tasting results. Fine if you imagine wine, terrible if you imagine bourbon.

Sweet, light and hazy. The lime flavor is clear all the way through but unfortunately recalls lime scratch & sniff stickers from the '80s, not the best.

I find that I like guava best when it's got kind of a clear hard candy flavor profile and this beer has that. Starts with fruit and immediate tartness, moves to a strangely light-tasting phase and finishes tart again with sweet cereal emerging at the end. Clean and tasty.

A bit like apple cider that's turning, like the inexorable tides of fate, into vinegar.

Next to the E9... this was very similar. A little less cloudy coriander flavor, a little rounder, possibly a touch of orange? But this is just details, overall it was very, very like the other beer.

Cloudy, pale, touch of white pepper, savory coriander notes. Not too heavy on the spice, this is a light, refreshing wit.

Dry IPA, a bit on the brut side, but with assertive resin notes.

Banana; cereal; refreshing but maybe slightly on the drier side. Quite pleasant.

A floral, hoppy sheen on a very light, grassy lager. Walks the line on being almost watery but has enough going on to remain enjoyable.

Not sure this tasted at all Kolschey to me. Instead, it just seemed like a sweet IPA which added a weird, additional sweetness (lactic?) onto the finish instead of the typical balancing things a normal IPA does.

Sweetish, wheat-funky. I didn't taste the coconut at first but it became more and more obvious over time, especially after trying other beers. Never quite melded into a harmonic whole, but still pretty decent.

Eaugh, maybe it's just its place in the sequence, but this was jarring, sweet, and rubbing alcohol-y. I couldn't finish it.

Tropical-citrus "juicy" hop flavors of the type that are common in Hazy IPAs, however this one was so mild in all of the other aspects of hoppiness (bitterness, resin, sharpness) that it crossed over into highly unusual territory. A "juicy light blonde" is maybe the closest I can come to describing it.

Medium-tart sour ale with a bright, rounded berry flavor. Very light on the funk. I really, really liked this.

Roasty, toasty stout on nitro, bit of a warm, sesame-like overtone. Kind of like a Dragonstooth on nitro. Quite tasty.
Nitro Draft

Lots of bourbon sweetness up front, with a bit of prickle from cinnamon but not overt flavor. Not too much to say that I didn't say last time.

Very similar to the Old Schoolhouse, actually. I wouldn't say there's anything especially tropical about this. Finishes less metallic and a bit more... cocoa-like, I guess? Malty, not sweet.

Quite dark for a brown ale; I'd call this a porter. Fairly thick, creamy with a lot of roasted coffee notes in the flavor. Finishes a bit metallic, but enjoyably so.

Very rich, butter and cornflakes, yeast Tang and grass. Takes a little away from crispness, but it is tasty.

Superb pale, piney, touch of Mandarin orange and buttery diacetyls. Super mellow finish.

Loving this new style. Sharper than the Bellevue version but just as good, if not better. Vinous and bracingly bitter.

Round hops, lots of caramel and a fair bit of toasted malt. Constant background of bitterness, but a nice, wintery kind of amber.

The Herbfarm's menu says this is a pale ale, not a lager, although the flavor sits in the middle. Hoppy IPL-like, resin and sweet cereal.

It's not exactly a beer. It's like a pomegranate juice cocktail, maybe some apple or peach. Just a hint of cereal to remind you is a beer. Sometimes this is a ding on the rating. Today I'm feeling kind.

Medicinal bitterness, like a licorice candy. Interesting, not bad, though not exactly purely enjoyable to drink.

Don't taste Pineapple at all. Pithy/grassy bitterness but otherwise mild.

Dry and yeast-bitter, somewhat flat. That said, this had a very interesting, green-wood flavor to it, and I think overall it was good. I wish it had been more easily drunk.

Unexpectedly delicious. I was afraid the peppercorn would mean this was a lots-of-spice saison, but it was mellow, lightly estery, with nice toasted barley flavors. Peppercorn is distinct, perfectly balanced. Light, exotic and warming at the same time. Yum!

Nice, white-wine kind of fruity funk in this saison. Just hints of spice, maybe a bit too much yeast bitterness.

Surprisingly flavorful, with a slight sake-like tang on top of a rich lager flavor. I have a whole can of this stuff at home so I'll be giving it a deeper look soon.

Definitely smells like cocoa. Flavor is much too sour, like they took a peach lemonade and mixed it with a chocolate stout without everything coming together coherently. Undrinkable, really.

Insipidly sweet. Not offensive, but nitro isn't doing this beer any favors. It's like watery cereal milk.
Nitro Draft

Really unhappy smell, like rubber tubing. If you get past that it’s more or less a Blue Moon underneath.

Somewhat flat, starts hoppy and bitter, lightly tangy yeast and finishes with a buttery cereal mellowness.

Similar flavor to Pumking, custard and pastry. Maybe slightly more fruit and a darker, more caramel flavor. Slightly bitter finish.

Fragrant, pleasantly sweet, buttery. Very light bitterness and finishes with an appealing, aftertaste.

Still quite spicy. Still very good. Don't drink this at the beginning of a flight.

Juicy, clear stone fruit, only mildly sour. More on the juice than funk side, light cereal sweetness to close. Faint salt on the lips afterward.

Just a taste. Very lightly carbonated, almost cake-like. Light bubblegum and buttery notes. Very mild finish.

Pleasant dark lager. Roast barley at the forefront, finishes slightly buttery and moderately bitter.

It gets a little ding because it's Nitro, and I think that takes away from the flavor balance. Sweet and light with mild coffee notes. This is still awfully pleasant to drink. It had the advantage of tempering the stronger notes of the other beers in the flight too.
Nitro Draft

Tart, very tart. Gummy in the back of the throat. Faint melon that grew stronger over time, especially after a sip of the Black House. My memory of this out of the bottle was fonder, but this was still decent.

Yup, still more hoppy than anything else. Like a light IPA more than even a typical IPL flavor.

Jibes with what I wrote last time, although perhaps not as strongly pronounced in any direction.

Very, very sweet. Maybe too sweet? Hard to tell with some of the other beers, but this seemed a bit blunt. Slight cherry wood, sweet bourbon. Otherwise mellow.

Slightly funky blonde saison with Belgian spice. Fruit flavor is round and believably strawberry (without tasting fake, thank goodness!). It wasn't as well-balanced as the Stoup, but it was a nice beer, second best in the flight.

Very solid hefe, lots of banana and light clove spice. A very balanced flavor; I don't know that I would have noticed this normally but coupled with some very unbalanced beers this seemed glowingly good.

Super-fake orange creamsicle flavor tacked onto a light golden ale. Smells like candy. At first I was hoping it would actually taste like orange instead of nondescript citrus notes, but this is certainly too far in the other direction.

This tastes nothing like any other California Common I've had. It's primarily a fruit-hoppy beer with an amber hue and flavor. Not an IPA, but maybe a malt-bomb hoppy pale. It tasted a bit like a little sibling of Brown Shugga.

Yams and chilies in this beer; neither comes through very distinctly but add up to a mellow, medium-bodied, sweetish porter with a bit of a smoky lick on top.

Slight honey graham opening. Pleasant, biscuity flavor, but finishes quite bitter, and together with the somewhat flat texture added up to a "meh."

Very lightly banana with very few other Belgian characteristics... Some top bitterness and cereal funk. A really nice beer.

This is good but I'm getting kinda tasted out.

Tastes like danger. If danger was a wet boiled peanut wearing an Alex Trebek wig. Weaksauce!

I wanted to like this but it's the things that aren't ginger that Ms alle this kinda bleh.

So I was really looking forward to this but it just tastes weird. Too sweet? Something. I dunno.
Nitro Draft

Okay, I get the Coriander white peppercorn thing that Mike mentions, but I don't believe went fruit or tart. So, it's more like a wheat, except that I get some sweet matrix that reminds me of a marzen.

Are you gonna' log that? Are you gonna' log that? Are you gonna' log that? Yea! I AM! Ooh more gingery than the last two ginger beers I had--the rye helps.

This is like a very clean kolsh, with this strong core of "buttery" cream and hints of honey. Like that lovely flavor with some sort of huge cream soup that you shouldn't easy because it will give you an instant heart attack.

Ipa mixed with the milk leftover from a bowl of frosted flakes, only better because it is almond milk and it hasn't been sitting out for more than an hour or two.

Wow. It is like nuts. Like those red nuts you get at fairs and carnivals. Dry Spanish peanuts.
Actually this is really pretty good.

I rather like this, though it is the sort of sour that makes your stomach hurt. Like that Illinois beer set that I bought a few months back. From Destihl. The Synchopathic Sour, actually.

Fresh, sweet scent. Flavor is spicy sweet. Like nutmeg and coriander combined.

More shot taste buds. Like water root tea that's gone just a little bad.

Sour lemonade infused with socks and Roy's sour-eww-face tears. No hint of ginger.

Murky, with a long term funky aftertaste like rotting leaves. It really catches me in the back of the throat and doesn't make me want to keep drinking.

Can't taste the coconut. Kind of an insipidly sweet porter.