Gaurav R.

All about Gaurav

Gaurav isn't a member of any clubs.
Gaurav has logged 243 beers a total of 269 times.
Gaurav's favorite beer so far seems to be Midnight Sun Berserker Imperial Stout: 100 (logged 1 time)
Gaurav's most often logged beer so far is North Coast Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout: 77 (logged 4 times)
Gaurav's favorite type of beer seems to be Stout.

Gaurav's Log

Hair of the Dog Fred (unknown release)
Hair of the Dog Adam (unknown release)
Stone Imperial Russian Stout (unknown release)
Stone Saison (unknown release)
Seriously, the sweetest cider I've ever had. Basically apple juice.
Basically coffee, with a slight hint of beer.
Go Seahawks! Which is pretty much the only reason to drink this beer...
Draft at Elysian Brewing Company, Seattle

Showing 200 of 269 log entries