
Samuel Adams Rebel IPA

Boston Beer Company
Boston, MA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Release: Year Round
ABV: 6.5%
Bitterness: 45 IBU
Color: 11 SRM

From the brewer

Introducing Rebel IPA, the first West Coast style IPA from the same brewers that started a craft beer revolution in 1984.

Average Scores

Overall: 56 (logged 3 times)
Draft: 56 (logged 3 times)

Who's been drinking this

This tasted so strongly, pungently of dried peaches. Which is not a flavor I've ever had in a straight IPA? They say this is a new recipe. They should probably go back.
I asked for a Cold Snap and got this, so basically there is a baseline of disappointment here. Despite that, this was an inoffensive and perfectly drinkable, loose-tasting IPA. A sweetish, breakfast cereal-like malt creeps up at the end; at this point I think this is Sam Adams's signature.