Brian O.

All about Brian

Brian is a member of Odin DBRD.
Brian has logged 935 beers a total of 1239 times.
Brian's favorite beer so far seems to be Firestone Walker Parabola Imperial Stout: 100 (logged 10 times)
Brian's most often logged beer so far is Bellevue Scotch Ale: 83 (logged 11 times)
Brian's favorite type of beer seems to be Stout.

Brian's Log

Good solid roasty stout.
Can at Home
Founders Backwoods Bastard (unknown release)
Bottle at Home
Founders Backwoods Bastard (unknown release)
Strong coffee like the breakfast stout with a little bit of maple sweetness and chocholate.
Bottle at Home
Starts off with a weird herbal taste, but gets better.
Bottle at Odin Lounge
Bottle at Home
Postdoc Freshious (unknown release)
Don’t know what they did to it this year. Smells terrible.
Boulevard Rye On Rye (unknown release)
Bottle at Odin Lounge
Not a scotch ale, but decent as a sour.
Breakside Cultivating Mass (unknown release)
Bottle at Odin Lounge
More sour than when I had it on draft.

Showing 200 of 1239 log entries