Postdoc Brewing
17625 NE 65th St
Suite 100
Redmond, WA, United States of America
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Thick and hoppy, as you’d expect. Something vegetal in the flavor that is interesting, but maybe not pleasing. Strong but clean bitterness.

Lightly sweet, nutty, and like, really bitter? I don't know if my palate was burnt out, but this did not taste like my memory of this beer.

The coffee-est and roastiest of the three barrel vintages. More chocolate as well. The last one was Scotchy, this one has the most bourbon-caramel character.

Not as peaty as I thought I detected in Kenmore the other day, but this still has the "Scotchiest" character of the flight.

The alcohol burn has very much mellowed out here, and it's still light in mouthfeel but with strength. I didn't get this one in the flight last weekend, so I feel very fortunate to have gotten a second chance.

A perfect coffee stout, lighter in mouthfeel than expected. Medium roast, lightly creamy.

Well-balanced hazy IPA, pineapple-forward juicy character and devoid of any bitterness. Finishes very clean for the style, IMO.

Postdoc Hogus Maximus Extremis with Amburana (unknown release)
Much sweeter than expected, thick, pungent, boozy, slight licorice flavors on the top.

Not quite as rooty as the Star Wars version of this. A pleasant sour.

Dry and clean with a non-specific fruit tang, almost as sharp as a ginger beer. The habanero is quite forward and the heat lingers. I like this quite a bit.

Quite tasty. A light fruity ale that's lime forward with some berry. On top there's a hint of sweet pastry that gives an impression of pie.

Quite sweet, but tempered by the coffee in a way that winds up being pretty appealing. Some of the hop pungency pokes through at the end.

This is... a bit much. Maybe it's because it was at the tail end of a lot of beers, but this was over the top malty, over the top hoppy. One could say this is by design for barleywines, but I've had many that were a lot more enjoyable than this.

Not as good as I remember. Pumpkin spice and cream dominate and the base beer is a little lost, but it's pleasant enough.

Quite firmly in the IPL category, but I think I may be tasting the hops more because a lager isn't going to stand up so well after a strong barrel-aged stout.

Dry, smooth without being thick. A bit more surprisingly bitter at the end than I expected but otherwise very good. I should have written notes down on the day.

Postdoc Barrel-Aged Demon Star Imperial Stout (unknown release)
I gave this a decent before but I think we can safely say this was probably because it was nitro. This was superb, not syrupy, dry, cocoa, liquor.

Nice flavors but just a bit over the top sour to be truly enjoyable. Clean and fizzy, bit salty on the lips, maybe a hint of apricot but otherwise ambiguous. Finish is slightly buttery but quite outbalanced by the lingering tartness.

Smells dank. Up front oily bitterness, sweet, herbaceous. Quickly translates to a mild, slightly buttery follow-through. Bitterness collects in the back of the throat but otherwise clean.

Postdoc Barrel Admixture (2020)
Bracingly tart, yellow, apricot. Drying finish that is remarkably clean compared to the opening. Seems like a completely different formulation from the 2018 in looks and flavor profile.

Dry and spicy, smooth without being thick. The bourbon is there as a hint, caramel and vanilla and toffee and wood, but the overall aspect of the beer is balanced and not too sweet. Love it!

Completely flat, letting the full brunt of the flavor. Creamy chocolate, light plum, a little salty on the finish to balance.

Okay, this was the first milkshake IPA I've had that made me think of a milkshake. Sweet lactose, like almost Orange Julius levels to my mind, and a less sweet peach juice flavor finish into a dry, super hazy IPA. Each flavor stage was less sweet than the previous one. Weird, but interesting.

Postdoc Barrel Admixture (2018)
A tasty sour, minimally funky, with an unidentifiable sourness that I can only call "brown" -- a kind of molassessy cola-like sourness that feels bright all the way through and finishes totally clean.

Extraordinarily sweet, cutting any sense of hoppiness or dankness from this beer. After that fades you're left with a strong alcohol finish. Only took a couple sips to develop a buzz with this. Didn't much get a strong sense of bourbon. Closest beer to this I've had is the Dogfish 120 Minute IPA, but this one seems to lack the IPA-ness of that one.

A roasty-burnt cream stout type of beer. I liked it just fine, but it really hearkened back to my early beer days and I think my enjoyment may have been more nostalgia than love.

A citrus-grapefruit hazy beer, with a very mild, nice opening flavor. Almost watery in its follow-through - no tart or hoppy bite. Finishes with buttery diacetyl notes that ... are kind of weird in this style. A little off in multiple ways.

Medium sour but clears to a sweet shortcake finish. Pie cherry, effervescent, drinking vinegar-like flavor.

Smooth and cake-like flavor; like a caramel brownie. Salt is subtle if there at all, and the coffee seems to have been subdued into nothingness.
Nitro Draft

Lime forward cask beer, middle flavor of ginger; aftertaste is buttery cereal. A little gimmicky, but I don't hate it.

Dry medium-tart sour. I don't get a lot of salt, and (like the blackberry gose I've had here) the fruit flavor is not very fresh-fruit, more like a juice box. Also there was a disturbing tinge of baby diaper in the smell for me.

Blondilocks is a beer I really enjoy, and this keeps most of the qualities of that beer - a yeasty, sweet-cereal beer with plenty of body and moderate funk. Added on top of that is a mildly spicy, fruit dry hop opening, which is nice, and a somewhat flat cask character, which brings out some hop dankness and soapy notes, which I liked less.

Tasty pumpkin porter, some cinnamon notes that put it slightly in the candy-like territory of Hi-Fi's Amigo Warmer, but not quite as cloying. Medium spice, which is less than you'd expect from the combination of chilies in the name, but a pretty good balance.

Hoppy wheat wine. Honestly, this was probably good but suffered a lot by being next to universally superior beers. Just not very memorable and a flavor profile that's not my favorite.

Oh man. This was much harder to drink than I remembered. Kind of like drinking a hickory campfire with a bit of lagery sweetness at the end that confused more than pleased.

Pretty nice. Clearly a woodsy IPA to start with, although all traces of bitterness seem to have been lost in the brett barrel. What's left is kind of a resin essence, some nice fragrance, a touch of high alcohol, and the brett. When cold it was more of a hint of barrel at the beginning, but as it warmed up the finish gained a lot of buttery complexity.

The fruit kolsches from this brewery always taste more like radler-esque blends than integrated beers, and this is no exception. Super-bubbly, like pineapple soda mixed with a kolsch, although the flavors here are very bright and refreshing. Very fresh, bright pineapple flavor. Lots of sweet cereal malt finish up.

Lightly salty, lots of berry flavor. Medium tart. The flavors were... well, decent, although the glass was bigger than my enjoyment of it.

Definitely a radler - very soda-like grapefruit sweetness, with a bit of a yeasty, funky beer mixed in (but very subdued). Light and summery, but not necessarily what I would reach for if I were in the mood for a summer beer.

Malty, semisweet Scotch ale with a touch of smoke. The strength shows as a fairly alcoholic in flavor over time, though it doesn't start that way. Still a good notch below traditional local Scotches like Black Raven and Bellevue.

Roasty, rich imperial stout with a thick brown head. I liked this straight version better than the whiskey barrel version from a couple weeks back.

Very different from the Demon Star, with a sweet, almost coconut aspect. Flattish from the cask.

Dry-ish with lots of banana and caramel but not too much sweetness, a bit of salty umami on the back end. Very nice flavor and clean for a strong beer.

More like a straight spiced porter than particularly pumpkiny. Weirdly sweet and the spices were basically tacked on, I thought. Suffered a lot next to the other two.

I'm imagining this cask was a little middle finger to Anheuser-Busch? Flat and Belgian-esque, with a musty coriander-like essence on top of the base pumpkin ale. Didn't particularly think peach, either.

Wow! This is maybe the most pumpkin pie-like beer I've ever had - at once vegetal, lightly spiced, and creamy cereal on the finish. Just a touch of cider-like fruitiness on top. It's like they took the best of Pumking and Pumpkick and threw some more pumpkin in there.

For an ESB, this certainly was full of Northwest hop character. In fact, it starts out very much on the same track as the Easy A, but has an appealing sour tang before it transitions to sweet cereal. Finish is moderately bitter.

Lots of fragrant pine in this IPA, with nearly no bitterness in the finish. I wouldn't say there was any real malt body here. Just a hop-centric session IPA.

Right after the coffee porter there was a weird quality the this beer's flavor, but it cleared up fairly quickly. I think it was the yeast poking through the previous palate color. A decent, if not memorable dry stout.

Smells like a loaf of whole wheat sandwich bread. Banana esters are there, but subdued in what is really not a sweet beer. Bready, tangy yeast finish. You have to squint to see the Hefeweizen in this, but it's very appealing!

Resinous finish, keeps getting stronger. Not a very interesting cereal body.

Like the pale ale, but even more resinous. Builds up bitterness too fast, not crispy enough.

Resin city hop bomb. I can imagine people who would like this, but it's absolutely not me.

Very resinous hops flavors coupled with a surprisingly sweet body. Intersting, but I'm not a fan of the mix.

A floral hop bomb like the Triple IPA but this also had a strong burnt toffee flavor on top of that. A hint of that combination is usually enough to turn me off completely (see: Brown Shugga), but this was a lot more than a hint. Nope. Nooooope.

Strong resinous and mild grapefruit hops flavors. Not too bitter if you compare it to an IPA., Not as crisp as I like my IPAs style beers though.

Resinous, fragrant and fruity hop flavor. I like more malt in my pales, and this doesn't have much at all. If it hadn't been written on the board, I would have said pretty confidently that this was a strong IPA.

Better body than the normal porter. Moderate coffee presence. Drying finish.

Powerfull coffee smells and flavors, has the same surprising sourness as the porter, but this time it's more of a coffee sourness. Tastes just like a cold espresso shot.

Smells very roasty. Opens surprisingly sour for a porter and ends on roastier notes. It's a little thin.

A sweet, deep coffee flavor cuts through the sourness of the base porter; for me, almost completely. The coffee was quite good, I thought, although the overall effect may have been a little too sweet. Still, I liked this one too.

Dry porter in what I would call an Irish mold; there's a sourness that is probably more yeasty than it is bad coffee, and though that's usually not something I love, the overall flavor was pretty good. Fairly robust roastiness finishes.

Slightly sweet malt start, some acidity. Drying effect at end.

There's something weird about this one. It has a weird floral, lavenderish almost soapy flavor. Has a nice caramel bitterness though.

Caramelized flavor, bit of smoke. Similar to Bellevue's scotch ale, but a bit thinner. Tacky finish.

Light touch body. Very interesting edge-of-tongue effect, drying like. Sourish finish.

Marked rye flavors, mild sourness in the beginning and the end. Yeastier then the Goldilocks.

Darker and yeastier than the Goldilocks. More tang, less fruit, less lightness. The aftertaste is also a touch tacky, which may just be a feature of the yeast here. Overall a step down.

Very light and fruity. Full of orange and banana flavors. Has a hint of spice on the very end.

Rounded banana flavor, with a light kiss of spice, Smooth, dry finish with good cereal. V. light and refreshing, and a great start to the flight.