
Stone Go To IPA

Stone Brewing Company
Escondido, CA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Average Scores

Overall: 55 (logged 7 times)
Bottle: 55 (logged 7 times)

Who's been drinking this

A dry IPA. Hard, bitter, not the hop juice sort. I fear it is not to my taste
Bottle at A Friend's
Bottle at Home
A light IPA, a really good intro the class of beer without being overpowering. Well balanced. I don't like light beers particularly but I'd certainly recommend it to others that were getting into the craft beers. In fact, I'd probably recommend it before any others to newcomers
Bottle at Office
The most enjoyable Stone IPA for me yet. Hoppy, but not syrupy, with a dry middle moving pleasantly to a nice cereal malt finish. A bit bitter, but not like a wall of it. Surprisingly nice.
Bottle at Work