
19 logs
Firestone Walker XVII Anniversary Ale
Vital Statistics
Type: American Strong Ale
Release: Limited Single
ABV: 13.3%
Bitterness: 30 IBU
Color: 49.7 SRM
First released: November 2013
Average Scores
90 (logged 19 times)

86 (logged 7 times)

92 (logged 12 times)

Who's been drinking this

Basically continues an upward trend with age. Expectedly tasty.
Draft at The Beer Junction, Seattle

An extremely well balanced and pleasant mix of the best beers from Firestone Walker. It's smooth and presents all the caracteristic flavors of barrel aged FW beers. Molasses, caramel, coffee, roasty.
Bottle at Odin Lounge

Another stellar beer, though a little bit stronger then the 13th on the finish.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Interesting how much this resembles the 13 in almost every way, although with a bit more rawness and the sticky finish I remember. This does seem to have benefited from the extra aging since last time, though.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Syrupy caramel smell. Thinner taste profile with a tangier draw and finish. Some finishing tackiness.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

I think this was nearly identical to the 14 with a more cloying finish. I assume that will mellow out with age. Also, drinking this in the freezing cold is bringing out some petty bitchiness on my part, so maybe it's good that we've reached the end.
Draft at Malt & Vine, Redmond

I gave this a 5.5 for 2 reasons. First, it is redolent of coconut, and since I am 1/8 Hawaiian it made my cells start to do a little hula dance (haole's call this getting a "buzz". Whatever). Second, I am drinking this on my birthday and everything, even the wilted salad I had for lunch, tastes better today. Also, it is a rich, sweet, syrupy yet complex beer, if you give it the time to play a little on the tongue. Good thing we bough two, even though it meant we had to take out a second mortgage on our house...
Bottle at Home

Felt a little more over-sweet than the last, more festive time I had it. It's still very good, but it didn't blow my mind.
Bottle tasting at Odin Lounge

Really nice open with liquor and barrel flavors; not too thick. Subtle transition to spicy rye hoppiness right before an absurdly clean finish. Noticeably better balanced and more enjoyable than the XVI.