TechCity Bowl
13033 NE 70th Pl
Kirkland, WA, United States of America
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Logs for this venue
I asked for a Cold Snap and got this, so basically there is a baseline of disappointment here. Despite that, this was an inoffensive and perfectly drinkable, loose-tasting IPA. A sweetish, breakfast cereal-like malt creeps up at the end; at this point I think this is Sam Adams's signature.
Floral hop opening with a mild, toasty cereal finish. Though named as a pale ale, this is basically a prototypical northwest red ale, and not of the IPA-in-disguise variety.
In my defense, I did not pay for these beers - therefore, this truly earned the 3 rating. Furthermore, a bowling alley is the only appropriate context in which to drink a Miller Lite. All other venues should be rejected by Maltlog.