Warren's Ale House
51 Town Square
Wheaton, IL, United States of America
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Light lagery, slight bitterness, basically what you expect from the type. This is clearly what the old macrobrews came from.

Actually tastes a little barrel aged, which makes it interesting. But not too offensive to my taste.

Sweet and spiced, honestly I think the beer base might be really good, but I don't really like the perfumed spice on top of it.

Refreshing, slightly tart, though with the dry flat bitterness at the back.

I really like this. Somewhat sweet, but not overly sweet, with this roasted nut shell flavor that I really think complements it.

Smooth, but overly so. It's like cherries blended into some sort of milk cream. Honestly I don't like it

Very light, almost lager like. But with this is bitter after taste, which is really a lot like dirty water.

Harsh, rough. Like they say, a strong ale. There's an almost pucker in there, but it's overwhelmed.

Blech! It's like dirty water that has had a bit of peach flavoring added. Flavoring that might have already expired. That was terrible!

Nice, smooth, milk stout, with the sweetness perfectly balancing the bitterness. I feel like I've I could accidentally drink a lot of this.
Nitro Draft

Sweet, with some sort of vegetable flavor that I can't place. I don't really like it.
There's also a lot of floral flavor, which had to be pointed out to me. I don't think I log well eight beers in.

This is very sweet, more like a shandy than a pilsner with a hint of lime. I think it's fine, so long as you're going in expecting a sweet pseudo-beer.

Open flavor, with a good balance between sweet and bitter. Probably sweeter than a purist would appreciate, but I really like this.

Sour, but with hints of bitterness and funk. And something like rhubarb? This is exceptionally interesting, butt I'm not sure I could drink a lot of it.

Tastes more like a weisse than a sour, mixed with some fake fruit flavoring. I honestly wouldn't recommend it.

An interesting combination of cider and coffee. I actually rather like this balance.

Sweet, almost soda-y. A little bit of old hard candy taste. I'm not a fan.

Decent, sort of fruity mouth feel without much fruity taste. Hints coriander and spice.

Apparently this is really just ebles weisse.
I still like it better.

Sadly I don't remember what this was like.
I'm guessing it was neither terrible nor awesome

More thin and almost barrel aged than I expected. Not terrible, but nothing that I'd ever have again.

Wow, this is tasty! Coriander spice and sweet, well balanced. Really good.

All the lemony grapefruit of an IPA, but without the bitterness. Not bad.

The blond I was with said it was so cute, tastes just like fruit juice.

More fruity or . . . I can't actually remember the type I'm thinking of. Tracey calls it a "feet beer".

At first it is okay. You even get a hint of stout between the initial hit of raspberry and the overwhelming wave of raspberry cough syrup.

Slight scent of pineapples. But bitter like a pils. Like a pils infused pinapple.

Fascinating. It's like drinking water at first as all the flavor is at the back of the throat. A flavor which is sort of sour/musky like a hint of rotting leaves. Which might sound terrible, but is actually very interesting.

Fruit is pretty mild and it's actually fairly bitter. Basically, okay.

The Bruery Tart of Darkness (unknown release)
This is very tart, which normally would be bad, but you happened to catch me in a transitional period. So like Sam Jackson, I'm gonna go easy on this.

It seems less like an IPA. Very bitter, but this hard Carmel flavor that makes me think of barrel aged .I don't really get the juice of the hop .Bleh.

So I'm not normally into light hoppy beers, but this one has a nice mouth feel and the hoops are nice and pine needley and grassy. Comes together well.

Raspberry. If almost think this was a cider except for am undertone that I guess is its claim to the beer family. And the fact that it looks like an Amber ale rather than a cider.
Nitro Draft

Ok so the problem here is that i want a stout to be smooth and dark and roasty and woody. Brooding if you will. The addition of fruit while innovative just seems too different, it changes the character, the whole point, of a stout.

The cherry is just a subtle modulation of the stouty character of this beer .It ends up tasting sweeter, but still with a roasty stoutish flavor. But honestly, a stout purist would not like this.
As I get further down the glass, I'm getting more of this sour cherry taste that does not go as well with a stout .

I'm in a fruity mood tonight and this is nice and fruity. Not too over the top, maybe the nitro smooths it out.
Nitro Draft

The Bruery Tart of Darkness (unknown release)
This time it seems more classically sour than tart .Roy says it's very barrel aged, but I'm not noticing it .
Also, Jet got a pour and shared, and his was totally tart like the first time I had this .So apparently it's totally variable .Which is weird .

This is almost identical to the 5% It just tastes a little more syrupy.This is also a little flatter. Which might be contributory.

This is more malty than I'd expect . There is a little more to this than I'd expect, a hint of spiceor something .

Standard dry coriander-dominant saison, avoids being musty. My palate was still a little messed up from a mystery beer no one could identify that tasted like Chinese medicinal herbs. There's a claim that this had tamarind in it, but who knows?

I seem to remember liking this more.
It feels understated, maybe it's because of the spicy food I've had.

Bell's Third Coast Old Ale (2014)
Caramel ale, slightly thinner in texture than expected, with a nutty, grassy finish. Definitely wears its alcohol content on its sleeve, both in fragrance and flavor, but all of its other flavors are robust enough to match it. One to sip slowly.

Hops first and foremost, with the fresh, fragrant flavor of a dry-hopped pale. Then, a sharp turn to very dry tartness. It's a nice juxtaposition, and definitely intriguing.

Smells strongly of raspberries. The flavor is surprisingly sweet, almost too much so, but mellows out very quickly into nitro smoothness and a breakfast cereally sweet finish (I thought... streusel? corn pops in milk?). Never allowed to get tart, the flavor is very much along the lines of a raspberry bar.
Nitro Draft

An Imperial Milk IPA? I had to try this, and it was actually really interesting and pretty tasty too. Starts with a strong IPA flavor tending towards pine and resin, and you can feel the hint of strong bitterness starting to form, but then the milk sugar appears and basically neutralizes it. Creamy, semisweet finish.

The milk sugar makes the ipa mild But for me it's just Kind of meh.

Moderately hoppy with some of the flavor overtones of an IPA, But mild and with an undertone of a sour . Dry, mild, and complex.

Quite raspberry. I thinkit's tasty, though there is not as much tartness as one might expect. I think the sweetness it moderating it .
Nitro Draft