They've renamed this beer so I don't know if they've reformulated it. It's a pleasant, lightly sweet caramel ale without much character, and I definitely don't taste anything that makes me think of pecans, pie or otherwise.
Lightly roasted, thin-feel brown ale with a cola-like effervescence and a closing almost-fruitiness. Mildly tasty and easy-drinking. But this fried chicken gumbo? Can't stop thinking about it.
Much too sweet, with noticeable malt but also a kind of cloying hop-perfume finish. At this point Abita has crossed over into the assume-bad category for me.
A lightweight brown with a touch of funk. I kept wanting to taste pecan, but other than a hint of pecan pie sweetness there was nothing really characterful in the flavor. I'd much rather have the Sam Adams Hazel Brown than this.