Grupo Modelo

Commercial Brewery | Mexico City, Mexico

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 53 (logged 18 times)
Corona Extra: 52 (logged 4 times)
American Adjunct Lager
Corona Light
Light Lager
Estrella Jalisco: 50 (logged 1 time)
American Adjunct Lager
Modelo Especial: 53 (logged 3 times)
American Adjunct Lager
Modelo Light
Light Lager
Negra Modelo: 53 (logged 5 times)
European-style Amber Lager
Pacifico Clara: 58 (logged 3 times)
American Adjunct Lager
Victoria Vienna Lager: 46 (logged 2 times)
European-style Amber Lager

Logs for beers from this brewery

Listen, it went with the nachos and the friends
Not bad, for a party beer.
Bottle at Work
Watery lager. But I mean, it's what I expected.
Bottle at Work
Went great with hookah?
Your average macro lager but with a little more flavor than the rest. Caramel and a yeasty tang. Something something Twitch Party.
Slightly watery, slightly sweet, but somehow went well with that lime in a way I've never quite appreciated with Corona.
Light and caramel and I didn't even mind the lime. Helps that everything else at Azteca was so much worse.
Pretty watery with a minor kind of funky maltiness. a bit more funky than when in the can.
Bottle at Stampede
Pretty watery with a minor kind of funky maltiness. Can seems a bit crisper than the bottle... but maybe it's just metallic.
Can at Stampede
Sickly sweet yet watery lager with more than a little wet hay and resemblance to urine. Being served over-warm and under-carbonated probably didn't help.
Draft at Xbeer One
I know it's a cliché to describe a beer as tasting like piss, but I think this one really nailed it.
Bottle at San Mateo, CA
I know this sucks, but it's damn good to have it at the end of a long day @work.
In Korea I once drank a barley soda. This beer was almost indistinguishable from that.
Light malts, has a mild Kellogg's Cornflakes taste. But a good light-taste/low-ABV beer.