
Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA

Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Milton, DE, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Release: Year Round
ABV: 9%
Bitterness: 90 IBU

Average Scores

Overall: 75 (logged 9 times)
Draft: 71 (logged 6 times)
Bottle: 83 (logged 3 times)

Who's been drinking this

Yummy. A fragrant body with a light middle bitterness. Clean finish.
Solid cereal body. No strong bitter finish initially but successive drinks go towards a moderate resin like bitterness. Sweet trailings.
I am broken with IPAs, I guess. Too much resin, too much perfume.
Pleasant malt cereal and finishes with a sweet hoppiness.
On the maltier side of big IPAs, lending a great balance to the big hop flavors. Not the most bitter IPA so it's one I like to offer as an example of big IPAs.
Bottle at Home