Stack 571 Burger & Whiskey Bar
12540 120th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA, United States of America
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Brackish, lightly sweet, a bit uric and tacky. Faintly floral, alcohol on the finish.

Sunny citrus, nice and juice. Back end is quite bitter and a little oily.

The bar didn't say "coffee" but this is the only cream ale I can find mention of from Gig Harbor. The flavor doesn't really make you think coffee in except the most abstract way, mostly it's a little insipid in flavor with a bit of dry tang.

Thin for a hazy in a way which might not have seemed weird for a New England hazy ten years ago but I feel like this style has grown a lot more assertive. This is a little vegetal, a little watery, some light citrus and pine.

Cloudy, some sweet funk, but also… fruity? there’s an unusually round apple-berry flavor here that’s quite pleasant.

Bready, caramel, hoppy, toasty. Like a sweet, alcoholic pretzel, maybe? Clean finish, but bitter. Unusual to have an American doppelbock, appreciate the effort.

A robustly flavored lager, lightly sweet, rich cereal, grassy, brackish finish. Very tasty.

Drinking away our job security blues. Good beer, layoffs can bite me.

Seemed extremely overhopped for a blonde. I see previous notes like this, maybe it's always been this way?

Chalky, a little too bitter. Saved it for last and I’m glad I did because it would have blown out my palate.

In no way does this blueberry taste real, but it tastes enjoyable. Continues to be compelling in an unexplainable way.

Very good blonde; opens with a round fruitiness, vaguely apple/strawberry? Very quickly transitions to a buttery cereal with more than a little funk. I liked this a lot.

Pretty much an exemplar of the kind of hazy IPA I like. Clearly primarily hoppy, light hints of fruit (citrus, pineapple) and a mellow cereal finish. Bitterness is subtle, but does build.

Pine hops, bracing, pithy bitterness. It doesn't linger, though. A pretty fine example of the style.

Clean, cereal blonde with a lightly bitter finish. Very nice. I think the brewery is right; same owner and the server told me these beers were brewed in Alaska.