Eastside Beerworks
8300 160th Ave NE
Redmond, WA, United States of America
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Looks like they rebranded this beer. First time I’ve had it on nitro and it was really good! Roasty, and smooth but somehow still has sparkly effervescence.
Nitro Draft

Absolutely quintessential example of the style. Roast, caramel, light hops. Immediately filled with nostalgia and memories of fried foods.

Thin but roasty, got some prickly hop character. Caramel, burnt sugar. Might have been too much by itself but after the two other beers it’s almost a relief.

Definitely not a sour, and tastes more like a hazy IPA than any kind of blonde. Possibly a wrong pour?

Mellow stonefruit hazy… a little bit of oily buildup that you have to pause to dissipate but overall it’s decent.

Just a taster but this was nice. Chocolate, thinnish, roast. Touch of spice. Will have to try more later.

Not sure why I didn’t like this last time, but on draft this is delicious. Light, just sweet enough, tasted a ton like a bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch with milk. It would be easy to drink too much of this.

Whereas I thought the Aloha Death was thin and fake-tasting, this was just the right amount of the right flavors. Otherwise, it's a light-ish stout-ish beer like the other Irish Death variants, and just as enjoyable.

Sweet, bitter, definitely a bock, but almost maibock-like in strength and sweetness. Almost skirts the edge of syrupy-sweet but doesn't get there, thankfully. Pretty enjoyable.

Stillwater Insetto (2021)
Lightly tart, champagne-grape notes with sweet cereal. Dry and clean, refreshing, very tasty.

Rogue Dead ‘n’ Dead (unknown release)
Good, but smooth it is not. Imagine an Oktoberfest märzen mixed with straight whiskey.

Similar to the Cult Classic on the surface, a little more simplistic, almost watery compared to expectations against the “lighter” style.

Sweetish lemon pine pale, light with a clean, drying finish that recalls a Pilsner. No cloying flavors. I really liked this.

Ultra brackish, almost metallic, but otherwise the flavor is very clean, lightly grassy, not as sweet as a Helles.

So it says key lime, but don't think pie. This is more like a lime creamsicle with an overtone of... nutmeg? Maybe? Still, it was unusual, and therefore nice.

Tastes like the filing of an unidentifiable berry pie, a little bit of brown sugar, maybe, light and not too sour. Definitely falls into the "almost not a beer" category.

Pretty smooth for a barleywine. Somewhat of a wheat ale character, faintly tart, not notably hoppy except maybe in the aftertaste. Nice!

Nice, creamy, cereal sweet, but with a funky, fruity wildness that just peeks through.

Caramel amber lager. The server said this was in the vein of a Sam Adams, and it may start that way but finishes surprisingly hoppy and very bitter. Obviously I want something to be more assertive than a Sam Adams but this didn't do it in a way I particularly enjoyed.

Lime, clove, hops, funk. It's lightly tart. Something about the whole thing just doesn't come together; I didn't feel any enthusiasm about finishing this glass.

Thin mouthfeel, initially herbaceous, almost minty, but that resolves into a hoppy roundness very quickly. Moderately roasty, finishes bitter.

A lightly-sweet Helles, maybe almost watery, with a somewhat strong smoke flavor. Reminded me of a peaty Scotch in smoke character. It took me a few sips before I started to appreicate it but in the end I think this was the clear winner of the flight.

Thin, strongly whiskey, flattish. Very sweet, but not thick. Not gonna lie, this is delicious but I don’t think I can take this more than two ounces at a time.

Very different looking and tasting than last time. Pores clean, opens malty, followed by grassy bitterness, finishes clean. Very strong Oktoberfest.

A pretty in-your-face resin bomb. I think some would like it but it's the least likely style to ever convert me.

I thought this was tasty but there was something odd about the flavor that I never quite came to terms with. Wish I could remember more.

Can't tell how this was flavored but it passes my "not too sweet, not obviously fake" test and is quite quaffable.

Is it a blonde ale? No. Is it a refreshingly light raspberry beer? Yes.
Nitro Draft

Grand Teton Black Cauldron Imperial Stout (unknown release)
Sweet, thick, a bit of caramel throughout. Somewhat flat pour.

Yeasty and acrid, but with a really strong bubblegum flavor which was gross.

Lighter, sweet, I think absolutely too sweet? Bit of fruit, and tingly.

Musty, cereal/corn sweet, finish turns dry and maybe a bit savory.

Clean and fruity, medium tart. In no way would I ever describe this as an IPA. The finish maybe lightly fragrant of hops, and maybe the hint of sweetness is lactose sugar, but there's no cloudiness or dankness as I'd expect from a "Shake IPA." Really unexpected, and quite good.

Found at Whole Foods today! Smooth, sweet chocolate; light apple flavors and sweet brandy. Caramel. Definitely on the sweet side but not overwhelming.