Malt & Vine
16851 Redmond Wy
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Might be my last time here, so I started with a nostalgia play. Light, sweet, creamy, chocolately. Wasn't even ruined by the nitro. Good memories.
Nitro Draft

I had my doubts but I actually quite enjoyed this. The lemon is just bitter enough, just tart enough, to offset a clearly sweet vanilla/lactose finish. Out of balance this could have been horrible but instead is about as good a gimmick beer (in this case, highly accurate to the name) tends to get.

Keg blew on this one. Seemed a little overly thick and still a bit over the top but I'm never going to complain about getting one of these for a dollar.

Kind of a nothingburger after the POG. Generically dry bubbly saison with no real offensive, but also no interesting flavors.

Dry rather than juicy, this is kind of like sucking on a grapefruit for too long. In particular I think the passionfruit overwhelms here. Nice bit of cereal finish for the first few sips before it gets drowned out.

Dry, mildly tart, orange saison. More understated than I usually remember getting from Black Raven, but it’s been a while. Pretty good for a sunny day.

I guess they changed the name? Kind of a subdued flavor, mildly sweet, like a cream ale with a little more of an amber's malt backbone. Definitely overshadowed by the other two beers today.

Hints of dark chocolate cookie, very smooth on nitro with a finish that is both biscuity and a little bitter. No off flavors from the nitro though it does make it seem sweeter than it is. Pleasant aftertaste goes back to the cookie.
Nitro Draft

Structures Junior (Batch 6 - Blue Label)
Ultra dry grapefruit / hop resin hazy IPA. Light flavor with a hint of cereal but the main finish is an increasing, drying bitterness. Good, but just a bit too much of that to be refreshing

Smooth-drinking, slightly sweet golden ale. Lots of cereal, fizzy, delicious.

Weird, but it'll do. Starts smooth, with candy-bar like coconut smoothness. The cinnamon is just barely in the background as a hint, but over time there's a harsh bitterness that builds up that seems like it might be coming from the spice. Overall, I'm not convinced there's any reason to mess with the old coconut variant.

It is still very good, and probably smoother than before (but I have no clear memory to compare it to). Still, though, it's less coherent than other Parabolas have been and it finishes somewhat bitter after an interesting vinous opening. Maybe the tannins from the wine are creating a bit of disharmony with the hops. Still, small complaints!

Reuben's Three Ryes Men (2020)
Medium-light stout/brown ale base, with clean but sharp rye whiskey notes reminding you this is an event beer. I don't think the flavor ever really melded harmoniously for me, which kind of keeps this from being in the top tier; maybe the beer didn't have the body to stand up to the barreling.

Reuben's BBIS (2020)
Starts smooth and very tasty for a new vintage of BBIS, surprisingly so, but kind of loses its lustre through the course of a glass. The alcohol is very pokey and is quite dominant over time. Might need some aging.

Still delicious, and maybe a touch smoother on draft.

Delicious, as usual. I wish I'd taken more notes at the time, though.

Crux Pert Near Fresh Hop IPA (2020)
More cereal funk than I expected. Lightly bitter, background pine. Slightly brackish on the tongue, but finishes clean.

Delicious, caramel, sweet, lightly fruity. I liked this a lot better than what I remember of the Brew 3000, but the difference may be because it was on draft.

Way too sweet, notes of cherry and wood. Syrupy. I couldn't finish it.

A very weird beer, medium-sour with a biscuity-mellow finish that tastes a bit rooty or medicinal. I couldn't tell if that was the base sour or if it had to do with the nitro finish. Pretty good, though!
Nitro Draft

I think this beer might have been skunked, or it certainly skirted the edge. I think there was a pretty good, flavorful Kolsch here, once.

Has the aspect of a sour, sparkly merlot more than a beer - grape, tannins, caramel, prune, wood. Refreshing, it was not.

Crystal clear, with rich cereal flavor, but quite bitter. A brackish, hard-water quality to the mouthfeel doesn't help a whole lot.

A super-resinous hop-bomb of a hazy IPA, the kind of beer I intensely dislike, but the coconut really mellows everything out. I couldn't tell if it ever became a harmonious experience or if my brain kept switching between "yuck" and "yum" but I guess it averaged out to decent.

Light and cake-like, with agreeable raspberry flavors (I usually hate raspberry!). Cordial-like. Easy and mellow.

I really thought I liked the Ol' Greg, but this one took the same basic flavor profile and knocked it out of the park. More subtle up front and brighter all around.

Fort George Fields of Green (NELSON)
Decent hazy IPA. Can't remember enough about it to say more.

Pine and sweet cereal, an IPA flavor profile I like. However, there’s a bit of rubber-tree bitterness that intrudes more and more over time.

Reuben's Three Ryes Men (2019)
Caramel-butterscotch and whiskey, fairly smooth. Some fire to keep it interesting. This is a very fine strong barrel aged beer.

A very Belgian spice saison, only slightly funky and the guava is even less apparent, just like a faint kiss of fruitiness. It's okay but it's very hard to tell what sets this apart.

I had just a sip or two of this but it was nice.

Last year, we blended the Midnight Orange and Vanilla together to produce something that was more balanced than either base beer. This year, Goose Island did it for us! The orange is subtle, and the main sensation is chocolate, sweet coffee, and just a hint of fruit. As with most new releases in this line, the beer tastes very young and hard to finish.

Opens chocolate and roast, but very quickly ends up with creeping hop florality and a strong sense of licorice. The combination makes for a rising acrid bitterness that gets worse over time, by the end I just gave up.

Light, creamy porter with strong smooth caramel, the body itself is not sweet but rather sits at the edge of sourness. There's a slight hint of rubbing alcohol / sake in the booze flavor and that's not exactly delicious. It's way better than the Bale Breaker though.

A sweetish lager collides with lime candy flavor and is completely overwhelmed by it. Distractingly weird and not enjoyable.

Thick and extraordinarily burnt/bitter for a stout. The barkeep said he thought it was mellow but it was basically the polar opposite of that. The photo doesn't really do the color of the head justice - it was a deep chocolate brown.

Smooth Irish whiskey notes but with a bit of a funky, tart "infected barrel" kind of overtone, mixing with some hop dankness to kind of muddy the flavor a bit. Probably intentional, and it wasn't bad by any means, but it gave me some Big Block flashbacks and I didn't love it.

A slightly watery but OK beer. Coffee flavor is light but believable, and the amber is more of an Irish type red, but the nitro really makes the flavor a little insipid.
Nitro Draft

Still great, buttery, smooth, rich. Bourbon has become very-well integrated. Might have been a little too strong for lunchtime, but I'll never turn this down if it's available.

This was again really good. There was a bit of appley fruit on top that that mixed well with the cloudy cereal to hint at pie. I don't remember that from last time. Much better after the brown.

Very hoppy. A bit rooty in flavor, which translates to a kind of astringent, burnt sugar overtone, followed by flowery hops. This was Lagunitas-like in its unpleasantness. Would not get again.

I was looking forward to this, remembering how good Fuzz was! This was very light-looking for a porter. Murky coffee flavor and a weak, not very defined beer character. Unimpressed.

A light, sweet lager-like beer with more than a little fruit on top, slightly tangy and ... I think pretty clearly a peach flavor? It was definitely the better beer of the two.

Opens like a helles but immediately moves into a champagne-like funk, yeasty and tangy. Bubbliness lingers for quite a while. Finishes very light and with cereal, almost a bit weak compared to the journey, but overall - unusual and tasty!

Much better than the pFriem. Standard hazy with grapefruit-orange fruit flavors. Mild finish. Not nearly as oily as the hazy beers from last Friday's tasting.

Hoppy, bitter pale, pine and pith. Coffee is very faint and barely smoothes out the flavor. Pretty exposed alcohol. I couldn't finish it.

Way too sweet, and simplistically so; if this is pancake syrup, it's Mrs. Butterworth. There's a decent sweet coffee underneath it, and if you take a bigger gulp it almost counteracts the sweetness. Almost.

Grassy pilsner with a fairly aggressive hop profile. High and dry bitter finish. Think of Firestone Walker's Pivo but turned to 11.

Super-smoothed out by nitro, all that remains is a kind of roasted chocolate dryness. Pretty much what a nitro stout should be.
Nitro Draft

Very syrupy. Astringent, heavy on ginger notes. A hint of sweet umami means this ends up tasting oddly not unlike the filing of a Shanghai pork dumpling. At the very least, it was disturbing. It didn't taste like this the other day?

Fruity, apple-y, berry-ish, in fact a lot like a cider, but cleaner and without funk. I'm not exactly sure how this technically counts as a beer, but it's pretty damned tasty.

This beer seems almost too light at first, which in a more boring beer would feel watery. However, the remaining flavors are grassy, fresh, and slightly fruity, making more of an impression than expected.

This beer did not at all taste like a stout, and it never quite stopped being weird. I don't remember the details too well, but I do remember liking it in spite of all that.

Propolis Beltane (2019)
A dry, tart saison with a very clean finish, understated but present funk, and a moderate, vinous fruitiness. Very, very nice.

Deschutes Planète Rouge (unknown release)
Very nice at first, plummy/pruney with a sharp but brief sourness and fading into quite a funky finish. The funk built up in bitterness through the glass, though; I'd say two-thirds of the goblet was great and the last bit ... took a while.

Crooked Stave Colorado Wild Sage Mountain Saison (unknown release)
An excellent saison with complex herbal notes but which doesn't scream strongly in any particular herbal direction. Sage wasn't what came to mind when I tasted this. The lemongrass, a little more. Light and very drinkable.

A deep, frothy, fruity stout, plums or dates in abundance. It's been a while since I had a beer that tasted like this, and I'm having a hard time remembering which one it reminds me of. Maybe one of the old Ovila barrel-aged dark quads?

Tastes like a tropical chew candy. Round, unidentifiable, somewhat artificial, but also tasty. Quite sweet though.

Boulevard Plaid Habit (unknown release)
Cloudy, butterscotch-y ale with quite a lot of whiskey character. Very well balanced, all told. Super-tasty.

A light, pleasant dark lager with a bit of chocolate, a bit of roast, and a bit of coffee. Creamy and clean.

At first glance this is really good; a piney, hoppy IPA with a funky/cereal finish. After a while the resin builds up in pungency and it gets a little less great, but it's still a strong offering from Fremont.

Lightly roasty porter with some faint coffee notes and a round lactic smoothness. Pretty tasty, although the finish is a little sour/tacky on the back of the throat.

This was good. I only rated at the time, didn't write notes, so I can't say more than that, except that I remember thinking this was as expected for Firestone Walker.

Sweet but light nitro stout. Bit of a cereal milk quality. Very pleasant, if not distinctive.
Nitro Draft

I... don't remember anything about this, sorry. It's been too long. I rated it then, so I trust that, but also there was no way this was going to win out vs the banana coconut Dragon's Milk for a full pour.

I thought this was fantastic, maybe my favorite of the Reserve series so far. You'd think this would be too sweet, but the banana is a very nice, rich, banana cream pie kind of flavor and the coconut smooths it and melds it nicely with the base stout. So yummy!

Started out nice, roasty, thick, creamy, but not sweet. Built up in that bitter, burnt Stone way though. This variant did highlight its hop content. Seems to be a thing with their stouts.

"Wow, this tastes so fresh, and complex, and... green. What is that flavor? It's right on the tip of my *burp* Oh. Cucumber. It's totally cucumber."

Is this a diabeetus joke? Bad taste aside, this is not nearly as sweet as you'd expect given the description, though it is fairly sweet. Balanced pretty well with a bit of dark chocolate bitterness. Medium-thick. I didn't love it, but it was still decent.

Pineapple spritzer mixed with cream ale. I'll take it.

Probably the least good brut IPA I've had yet. Why? I can't remember, but noting for the future.

I thought this was the brut on the menu and it turns out it was a hazy. So I wasn't really looking for this style; that said, it was perfectly fine.

A pleasant surprise, sweet-ish, honey cereal opening, just enough vanilla to balance out. Smooth, milky finish. This is pretty much like drinking cereal milk as a beer.

Really sweet, candy lemon flavor. Like a Lemonhead, I think. All hop character is basically overcome by the sweetness. I really didn't like this, but the folks with sweet tooths seemed to take to it better.

The server assured me this wouldn't be sour like the other P-51s. The server was wrong. I mean, it wasn't as bad as I remember, slightly sour, slightly burnt. Otherwise decent smores flavors on top, but still not great.

Well, they're not lying. This is sour, and it tastes like cucumber and lemongrass. It's only mildly sour, but since the other flavors are not sweet at all, it'll pucker you a little bit. It at least will not make you think of savory Vietnamese food. It's not bad at all.

I like the joke in the name, but I don't much like this beer. It's a pithy, boozy IPA like you'd expect from Stone, but the peach (it doesn't really read as peach) gives this kind of a straight-through insipid sweetness that takes this to a new level of displeasure.

Firestone Walker Feral One (unknown release)
Just as good as I remember, light,tart, vinous, clean. Doesn't stick around in the throat, and I appreciate that it wasn't an ABV bomb too. Cause on a day like this... Anyway, see my previous entry for this.

Firestone Walker Bretta Rosé (unknown release)
Such tart. Many raspberry.
Seriously, though, this was so sour that I think it gave me a headache. I'm reading my previous description of this beer and it doesn't even sound like it's from the same universe.

Firestone Walker Helldorado (2017)
This is the first time I've had this beer on draft, and it seems... different. In the bottle it's got very honey-like, mellow buttery notes. This was a little more like straighter butterscotch flavors on top of a strong, good barleywine. It was still very good but it wasn't sublime. Out of the bottle it was sublime.

I mean, this is a very good beer but after two Parabolas it's going to lose. Sorry not sorry. Lighter, a little sharper. Definitely less intense in every direction.

Firestone Walker Parabajava (2015)
Yeah, this was delicious. Still thick and intense, but with the wonderful complexity of Parabola smoothed out by coffee. Absolutely delicious, and you could almost say this goes down easy after the Scotch!

I mean, this is just a whole heck of a lot. This is smoky, peaty, and also a lot less sweet than what gets transmitted to the regular Parabola from its barrels. It tastes like Scotch, basically, and that character is dominant. Parabola is here, thick and rich, but smoke is king. Something to chew on more than adore, this needs to be sipped in small increments.

Thick but not as sweet as I think I've come to expect from Speedway. A lovely, roasty coffee stout.

This is concentrated hop juice, pine and dank greenery. Despite that the finish is very light, not bitter at all. Not boozy - this was very strong-flavored, but not because of the alcohol. I was very pleasantly surprised.

Golden and clear, this tasted like... a really smooth, peanut butter milk stout. I gotta say, this really messed with my head, but also it was delicious!

A light pale ale with plenty of biscuit and strong hints of grassy, floral, citrus. Basically, this was exactly the beer it claimed to be.

Pruney, smooth, caramel Belgian dark. Prune is not always my favorite flavor in a beer, but the overall effect here is very, very nice.

I would swear this had coconut in it but I know it doesn't. Best coconut beer that contains no coconut ever, I say. I feel like I never got this impression before, but everything else was consistent with previous tastings.

Thin body and on the bitter side. Somewhat cloudy in appearance and flavor. A decent lager that isn't boring, but maybe isn't the most refined either.

All the things I don't like in IPAs, together at last in one beer.

Smelled unpromising, like any number of spiced holiday stouts, but this is how you integrate spice into beer. Just enough cinnamon, ginger, whatever, to deliver the impression but the main attraction is a solid, smooth, light porter.

A funky, dry apricot sour, buttery with recognizable fruit. I can't tell if the up-front bitterness is from the funk or from a stronger-than-usual hop presence - my palate was a bit muddy. Loved the first half of the glass but near the end the funk got to be a bit much.

Kind of sits somwhere between a bitter and a scotch ale. Tons of caramel is the dominant flavor. I can't quite remember but my impression of the finish was a lightly dank hoppiness. Not something I'm likely to come back to.

Okay, this won the flight, if only because the cherry and caramel of the whiskey melded into and overcame the finish that wrecked the other two beers. Not a subtle or complicated barrel aged beer, but quite enjoyable.

Similar burnt plastic sweet finish as the coconut. Peanut butter is just a hint and might as well have been nonexistent for all it was overwhelmed by the finish.

The smell of coconut is quite strong, and the flavor that opens it is buttery and pleasant. The finish was more off-putting, an oddly sweet, burnt plastic kind of thing. Given my previous review, seems like this was a step down.

It was good? I remember that, but can't remember anything else. Waited too long to log it.

Very solid, first time on draft. Slightly sour, dry, smooth. Exactly what you'd expect from an English stout.

Smooth bourbon stout, not too syrupy or thick. Plenty of maple sweetness, although it does feel a bit slippery, extraneous to the flavor rather than a smooth transition. Not sticky, but it lingers. Maybe with age it will meld more.

Clean, light saison that sits definitely on the fruity, vinous end of the scale (as opposed to spicy or sour). Not too funky, although there is a whiff of horse blanket around the edges if you're really paying attention. A very tasty saison.

Just slightly off but enough to take it into the uncanny valley (gold). Sweet helles, medium bitterness. But the sweetness lasts a little too long and a bit too sticky.

Smooth, light-bodied but mellow, a solid, slightly nutty coffee flavor. Decent roast. Ever so slight lactic sweetness on the finish.

Quite good, but directly after Inferos the body seems a shade hollow in comparison.

Fragrant and super-flavorful. Decent amount of cereal body. For something with the words "imperial" and "rye" in the name, this was actually refreshingly light and smooth. Then again, I thought the same thing about Fortem and then was totally disappointed the second time. WE'LL SEE.

Very tasty. Vienna lager? Or like a good helles lager with more caramel. Quite light.
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