Small Town Brewery

Commercial Brewery | Wauconda, IL, United States of America

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 74 (logged 10 times)
Small Town Not Your Father's Ginger Ale: 67 (logged 1 time)
Vegetable / Spice / Herb Beer
Small Town Not Your Father's Root Beer 10.7%: 81 (logged 3 times)
Vegetable / Spice / Herb Beer
Small Town Not Your Father's Root Beer 19.5%
Vegetable / Spice / Herb Beer
Small Town Not Your Father's Root Beer 5.9%: 72 (logged 6 times)
Vegetable / Spice / Herb Beer

Logs for beers from this brewery

Too sweet for me. Very pronounced safrole flavor, but you can tell there is some booze in there.
Like the 10%, only a little less sweet (but also a little less richly-flavored). Still can't taste the alcohol. One wonders about the 19.5% version.
Bottle at Naperville, IL
This is almost identical to the 5% It just tastes a little more syrupy.This is also a little flatter. Which might be contributory.
Yeah, I still like it. Call me a philistine if you must.
Bottle at Home
Somehow this tastes exactly like a sweet, summery root beer, despite also being a 10.7% alcohol drink. I'm not sure I can wrap my head around this? And what in the world does the 19.5% version taste like??
This is good. But it's a good old-timey root beer, i.e. sweet and spicy. You don't notice the alcohol, and it doesn't taste like beer in any sense other than the root.
Bottle at Home