Molson Coors Canada

Commercial Brewery | Ontario, CA, United States of America

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 67 (logged 11 times)
Molson Canadian: 63 (logged 2 times)
American Adjunct Lager
Rickard's Blonde: 63 (logged 2 times)
European-style Pale Lager
Rickard's Dark: 67 (logged 2 times)
Rickard's Red: 72 (logged 3 times)
Amber / Red Ale
Rickard's White: 71 (logged 2 times)

Logs for beers from this brewery

Very light-colored for a porter, with a flavor that is less roasty and more caramel, with the kind of sour undertone that is typical of some English porters. This was okay, which is about as enthusiastic as I can get about this beer.
Bottle at Xbeer One
A very pleasant, malty-sweet amber. Least tart of the Rickard's bunch, and also the least memorable.
Bottle at Xbeer One
Labeled a German pilsner but laced with a lemony fruit tartness - much more subtle than a shandy, but distinctly not a pilsner either. Normally I get offended by this kind of fiddling, but this was a really drinkable, refreshing beer.
Bottle at Xbeer One
Supercharged, dank coriander flavors were an unpleasant surprise, but I got used to that quickly and found that an unusual lemon and sweet wheat flavor peeking out really made this flavor work. Definitely needs time to sway the drinker, though.
Bottle at Xbeer One
I think there was an okay beer in there, but it basically tasted flat and watery after the Yuengling. Reminded me of a Modelo Especial.