
Black Raven BeakSeeker Double IPA

Black Raven Brewing Company
Redmond, WA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Release: Unique Cask or Infusion

From the brewer

Wisdom Seeker tweakified with BeakTweaker ingredients- Black Lemon, Orange peel and Lemon Peel.

Average Scores

Overall: 71 (logged 2 times)
Cask: 71 (logged 2 times)

Who's been drinking this

A little bit more mild than the regular editions. It also has a more creamy texture. The same mild resinous hop bitterness is still present but is complemented by fresher long last cirtrus flavors. Has a very faint sweetness to it at the very end.
I think this was a really successful cask offering. The fragrant citrus flavors complement the Wisdom Seeker very well, and everything is just well-balanced. Light carbonation, but not flat.