
Fremont Bonfire Ale

Fremont Brewing Company
Seattle, WA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Release: Winter Seasonal
ABV: 6%
Bitterness: 40 IBU
First released: November 2013

From the brewer

Bonfire Ale steals from the winter fires its gift of dark barley and gentle hops to provide you, beer drinker, with this delightful winter treat. Fremont set the sky rockets to flight and wrote the book on afternoon delight before waking the night on the wings of a great blue heron to soar below the radar and above the clouds, raining down beer to blow your mind and caress your soul. Light a Bonfire today.

Average Scores

Overall: 67 (logged 5 times)
Draft: 65 (logged 4 times)
Bottle: 75 (logged 1 time)

Who's been drinking this

Light smokiness, medium strong hops, roasted nuts.
Smoke was subtle, with notably more hops when compared to the other dark beers on this tray. Not gonna lie, this probably would have fared much better out of context.
Bright hopped warmer smell. Mild thin start quickly warms up and remains mild but cereal tastiness comes out. Approachable and drinkable.
Dry and hoppy without much malt, but it worked with the smoke, I thought.