
Gulden Draak Vintage Ale

Brouwerij Van Steenberge
Ertvelde, East Flanders, Belgium

Vital Statistics

Release: Limited Rotating (vintaged)

Average Scores

Overall: 81 (logged 4 times)
Draft: 78 (logged 3 times)
Bottle: 92 (logged 1 time)

Who's been drinking this

2013 release
2012 release
Slightly sour start graham cracker sort of finish along with a lingering sweet-sourness.
2012 release
Dry, plummy flavor with subtle festive spicing. Smooth and subdued fizz, like an excellent unfiltered cider.
2008 release
Smells like the best mulled apple cider, and starts that way, dissipating into a caramel, clean finish. Some tartness but not nearly as much as you'd initially expect. Just super, super yummy.
Bottle at Xbeer One