
Baladin Isaac

Birrificio Le Baladin
Milano, Italy

Vital Statistics

Type: Witbier
ABV: 5%
Bitterness: 8.5 IBU
Original Gravity: 1.051 / 12.6° plato
Color: 6 SRM

Average Scores

Overall: 81 (logged 3 times)
Bottle: 81 (logged 3 times)

Who's been drinking this

Tasty witbier. I could drink this all night long, except that I expect it would break the bank. :^)
A smooth, cloudy wheat ale from Italy that seems wit-like but which I'm told is in the Bavarian style. The attack is a bit like apricot nectar, followed by yeast and spice, so mild you might be fooled into thinking it wasn't an alcoholic drink. Really, really nice.
Bottle at Xbeer One