Miskatonic Craft Kitchen
47 E Chicago Ave
Ste 120
Naperville, IL, United States of America
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This venue is affiliated with Miskatonic Brewing Company
Logs for this venue

There is so much going on here. It's like a racecar in my mouth. Not everything in a racecar tastes good. The cherry cough syrup is out of control. Man. The non barrel aged is so much more on point.
But at least it's not used coffee grounds in bad beer.

Complex. lots of corny corniness and cornish cornundrums cornucopiating

Stolen from Jet. It's like someone took burnt motel coffee, watered it down, and added it to a mediocre Marzen.
Smells like you took some used coffee grounds and put them in a lot of water.

Ummmm it’s like used grounds of a burnt coffee were poured into my lager.

I started to like this but as the lemon hits there is this kinda unpleasant waft of almost medicinal scent that disagrees with me. that and the mango was undetectable which is unforgivable in a product with the word mango in the name haha

I cannot believe i’m saying this but this might actually be too stouty too bourbony too barrelly

Wonderful sweet cherry dark chocolate smell. Syrupy stouty chocolate cherry taste. My only hesitation is that I suspect this will give me a headache if I drank too much. (Otherwise I'd rank it higher. )

Really complex and well balanced. nutty but also sweet. toast. a little char even forest floor. it expanded my perception of what a dark lager is.

Sour yet a bit sweet. Puckering but effervescent. It's good.