Prime Steakhouse
16330 Cleveland St
Redmond, WA, United States of America
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My description from last time holds. Clove a bit stronger in the smell than flavor, very nice aftertaste. No lemon slices here!

Fruity, almost orangey, with a kiss of acid right before it mellows into a funky sweet cereal. Seems better than the last time I had this (in fact, it appears completely different), but I still think it could have been a little more assertive.

Seved super-cold as they do here at Prime, so that there were actual ice crystals in the beer. Worked surprisingly well with this beer, bringing out the mellow chocolate notes.

A very good IPA, bright orange notes, lightly buttery cereal middle and a finish that is recognizably bitter but feels perfectly balanced in context. My only wish is that it hadn't come with floating ice crystals from an overchilled mug.

So I had this after a sweeter lager last time, and I'll have to note this is actually sweeter than I took it to be last time, and less bitter. Still very pleasant to drink. This was served too cold, definite ice crystals.

Tasty tripel that keeps to the mellow, sophisticated side, although it is unmistakably Belgian. The alcohol level is deceptive and will knock you on your ass if you're not careful.