Salish Lodge & Spa

6501 Railroad Ave

Snoqualmie, WA, United States of America

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Brunch beer! Which should totally be a thing. I liked this better now that I'm more familiar with these flavors. This is very kölsch-like, with a tangy yeast profile, but with very light notes of honey and orange blossom on top. Clean, dry finish. I loved the fragrance of this beer, and was glad it wasn't overwhelming.
House ale at the restaurant. Scent of faintly-floral honey, and there's definitely that sweet, rich mellowness on the top of the tongue, rolling into biscuity malt. But there's surprising hop presence here, too, with florality mixing nicely with the honey and ending in a mild-but-there bitterness. Had some of their actual honey side-by-side, which was a nice touch: the honey was better, but it'd be hard to beat with any beer!