Mac & Jack's Brewery

17825 NE 65th St

Ste B110

Redmond, WA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

This venue is affiliated with Mac & Jack's Brewing Company

Logs for this venue

Enjoyable, might have gotten a higher rating if my palate hadn't been blown out. A sweetish, buttery lager wtih bright citrus.
A little weak, a little sour, this is a non-assertive roast. Reminds me a lot of what I don't love about nitro stouts without actually being on nitro.
Not as successful as the Log Boom as this one has a sweetness that kind of goes on too long.
Definitely the Log Boom and definitely a sweet, almost candy-like but realistic POG flavor that frankly overwhelms the finish. Not sure it ever resolves into a single flavor, which is the biggest problem.
High and sweet hop opening fades quickly. This is a piney, light pale ale, with a finish that hints at a dry champagne. Not bad.
Mostly just a taste, to compare with the tangelo. Without the fruit, this just tastes watery.
So light... Compared this with the regular Sammamish and this is definitely fruitier, although still a very kind of dilute experience.
A taster at the brewery. Dry IPA with a strongly boozy flavor and a strong, pithy bitter finish. Not sure the rye had a chance against all that.
A taster at the brewery. Tastes like hop juice without the bitter finish. Drinkable, but not really my cup of tea - I want my blondes with more grain expression.