Uhhhh, more like it. Lots of mellow nuttiness here - no joking around with the hazelnut. The savory nature of the nut cuts through the syrup of the stout very nicely. As for cinnamon, it's much more subdued than in the coffee version; in fact, I didn't taste it at all at first. But it's definitely there. Yummmmm.
The primary flavor in this beer is cinnamon, followed by a kind of smoky roastiness that ... was probably coffee? But it's not overt. Mixed with bourbon barrel, of course. Inky-black and thick. I liked it a lot, but there was just enough pokiness to keep it out of the highest tier.
Very sweet, but somehow... not annoying? There is a caramel, almost apple pie (I didn't realize this was pecan until afterwards, it certainly didn't seem nutty) flavor that carries through to the finish. I don't know how this didn't end up cloying, but it didn't.
Thick, syrupy, candy-like, like a liquid Ferrero-Rocher candy. Chocolate, nut-butter, a lot of sweetness. This wouldn't ever hit my top tier as a beer, but as a dessert, it's quite lovely.
Smells amazing, very nutty and cocoa-like. Maybe one of the nuttiest-tasting beers I've had, rich, and thick. Not nearly as sweet as you might expect, although some of that may be a bit of a yeasty or woody bitterness on the end. This was probably somewhere between Yum and Awesome, but I'll give it points for the setting.
Pours thick and black with a boozy nose. Very good bourbon stout with some overt plum-raisin notes to mix things up. Like a mix of Parabola and Stickee Monkee.
Bottle #2 was minus the tequila (spirit unspecified) but plus coffee and cocoa nibs. The coffee is really well-done, not super-strong but clear and tasty. Smooth chocolate finishes. This is the slight winner between these two bottles.
An unexpected gift from Florida! Slightly thinner than I expected, with a sweet-sour tequila-tinged vegetal quality mixed with a sweet-ish, very good stout. The tequila makes this one a bit challenging, but overall it was very tasty.