Ten Ninety Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Zion, IL, United States of America

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 58 (logged 2 times)
Ten Ninety Imperial IPA
American India Pale Ale / IPA (Imperial / Double)
Ten Ninety Imperial Porter
Porter (Imperial / Double)
Ten Ninety Imperial Witbier: 58 (logged 2 times)
Witbier (Imperial / Double)
Ten Ninety Jaggery Tripel
Belgian Tripel Ale

Logs for beers from this brewery

Fresh, but watery scent. Tastes barrel aged, with that candy sweetness that I associate with it. It's not so perfectly whiskey flavored that I immediately choke, but it's enough that I'm not super pleased with it. It's like any hint of whitbier has been replaced worth the barrel aged character.