United Beverage

Commercial Brewery | Denmark

Vital Statistics


Overall average: 81 (logged 3 times)
Mad Viking Cognac Barrel Night Raid Imperial Stout: 75 (logged 1 time)
Stout (Imperial / Double, Aged in Barrels, Cognac)
Mad Viking Night Raid Imperial Stout: 83 (logged 2 times)
Stout (Imperial / Double)

Logs for beers from this brewery

Thick, condensed, sweet (but not syrupy!) stout that's obviously been pleasingly smoothed out with aging. Hints of more complexity behind the scenes - wood, or, seed-spice, or something.
Big Wood Festival. More cognac than stout, very muscat-fruity, with just a touch of stout robustness at the end. I liked it, but it's really confusing.