Resignation Brewing Company

Commercial Brewery | Houston, TX, United States of America

Vital Statistics



KCCO Amber Ale (collaboration)
Amber / Red Ale
KCCO Black Lager (collaboration): 56 (logged 3 times)
European-style Dark Lager
KCCO Gold Lager (collaboration)
American Pale Lager
KCCO White Wheat (collaboration)

Logs for beers from this brewery

Roasted malts, not too flavorful.
Bottle at Pool
This seemed much better on draft at the brewery. This bottle was watery and slightly off, like the Sapporo I had earlier today mixed with some additional funk.
Bottle at Work
Light and mildly roasty with the creamy finish of a good black lager. It's a little insubstantial, but very drinkable.