
Nectar Creek Sting Ginger Session Mead

Nectar Creek Mead
Corvallis, OR, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Type: Mead

Average Scores

Overall: 79 (logged 4 times)
Bottle: 75 (logged 2 times)
Draft: 83 (logged 2 times)

Who's been drinking this

Not too syrupy, strong on ginger, nice carbonation.
Bottle at Xbeer One
A session mead! I had to try it. Clean, light, with bubbly carbonation, medium ginger notes and a touch of floral sweetness to mark the honey. This is scarily easy to drink, with very little obvious alcohol in the flavor. At 6%+ ABV, this is very light for a mead, but still strong enough to sneak up on you.