
Kazematten Grotten Santé

Brouwerij Kazematten
Ypres, Belgium

Vital Statistics

ABV: 6.5%

From the brewer

Grotten Santé is een kruidig bier van 6,5% alc. vol. met kleine hoeveelheden 'exotische' kruiden die een lichte droogheid creëren. Het is bier is kastanjebruin van kleur.

Average Scores

Overall: 29 (logged 2 times)
Draft: 29 (logged 2 times)

Who's been drinking this

Smells promising, but has an aftertaste like bad candy.
Sort of a weak, nothing beer with a thin thread of sour bitterness running through it. It doesn't actively offend me, but it leaves me thinking why am I bothering to drink this.