
Hopvine Squanto

Hopvine Brewing Company
Aurora, IL, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Type: Brown Ale
ABV: 5.92%
Bitterness: 23 IBU
Original Gravity: 1.064 / 15.7° plato

From the brewer

The base beer is a nut brown ale. We added roasted butternut squash and apple cider -- making a squash apple nut brown. The nut character is derived from Pale Ale malt that we toasted ourselves. A malty sweet brew that has nuances of each ingredient combining to form a delicious beer.

Average Scores

Overall: 54 (logged 4 times)
Draft: 54 (logged 4 times)

Who's been drinking this

Very dark, like a porter. In fact, this basically tasted like the cinilla without the vanilla or the cinammon, and actually that made it very nice. Light coffee notes on an otherwise mellow dark beer.
So, this starts like one of those weak soda-like mild ales, but at the end it gets this hint of nutty roastedness. The nutty roasty flavor builds on the second and third draw. Really, the only thing saving this beer is the occasional roasty flavor