
Geaux Lafitte

Geaux Brewing
Bellevue, WA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Release: Year Round
ABV: 6%

From the brewer

Brewed with American two row, rye, and wheat malts and a dash of noble hops. Lafitte is then fermented with American Wheat yeast—this beer is as unique as it is interesting. Slightly sweet at first with a dry, spicy finish.

Average Scores

Overall: 64 (logged 3 times)
Draft: 64 (logged 3 times)

Who's been drinking this

Not as appealing as last time. Picked up a trace of skunky fragrance, and the sweetness was a bit much by the end.
Getting a urinal cake odor and starting taste.
Crisp, wheat cereal body which works well with the bright, citrusy nature of the house yeast, with a slightly bitter finish that cuts sweetness & serves the flavor well. Definitely one to have again.