
Sierra Nevada Beer Camp #94 Black Belgian IPA

Also known as

Sierra Nevada Sleight of Hand Black Belgian IPA

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
Chico, CA, United States of America

Vital Statistics

Release: Limited Rotating (vintaged)
ABV: 7.7%

Average Scores

Overall: 56 (logged 3 times)
Bottle: 50 (logged 2 times)
Draft: 67 (logged 1 time)

Who's been drinking this

2013 release
I just had a really hard time with this. Kind of an anisey pine smell coming off, with a mouthfeel like espresso and an odd, rooty herbal sort of Belgian yeast flavor. Lots of flavors coming together in a sometimes appealing, sometimes appalling mix.
2013 release
Sort of a watered-down Pine-Sol or some sort of evergreen smell/flavor going on here. With the taste I think of the holidays-- a sort of ginger or nutmeg effect.
unknown release
Where's the hops? Something like Coke in here, might be the carbonation and flat "dark" taste, but at least not sweet.