
New Glarus 30th Anniversary Quadruple

New Glarus Brewing Company
New Glarus, WI, United States of America

Vital Statistics

ABV: 10.5%

From the brewer

Brewing for our Wisconsin friends since 1993 deserves celebration! This Belgian Quad is a hearty combination of Czech, German and American malted barley. Rich luxurious raisin, vanilla, dried fruit and dark chocolate notes pervade. New Glarus Estate and German Diamant hops champion subtle notes of cinnamon and clove. Belgian dark candy sugar pushes the original gravity to 24 degrees Plato. Be warned Dan's balanced artistry conceals a 10.5% ABV. This is a voluminous brew ready to be savored tonight or laid down to celebrate a future occasion.

Average Scores

Overall: 67 (logged 2 times)
Can: 67 (logged 1 time)
Draft: 67 (logged 1 time)

Who's been drinking this

Can at Home
I would expect a quad to be bolder, mustier? But this was fine to drink even if a bit unremarkable.