Bee Beer Debod

C. de Ferraz, 10

Madrid, Spain

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This venue is affiliated with Bee Beer

Logs for this venue

I can't find any reference to this beer online. Tastes like a malt-forward red IPA; can't tell if I'm imagining chili pepper or if it's the patatas bravas I just enjoyed.
Doesn't taste particularly Belgian and I wouldn't know what myrrh tastes like. if I had to guess, a honey amber ale is what comes to mind. There is a berry-like dryness to the finish though.
I guess "demi-sec" brings this in line with the Brut IPA style? This one tastes Belgian, like a vinous saison. Grapey, bitter, lightly sweet.
A very pleasant caramel lager, with some prickly hops at the end.
Not sure I can detect mustard seed other than a higher front-side bitterness, which combines with pine and pith to follow you the whole way.
Sweet honey, grassy hops. Features some musty cereal but a pleasant, light flavor overall.