Pint & Pie Public House
7858 Leary Way
Redmond, WA, United States of America
Vital Statistics
This venue is affiliated with Northwest Brewing Company
Logs for this venue

Really interesting on-the-verge-of-sour lager. Apple, Graham cracker, some funk. Cereal aftertaste. Would have guessed wheat ale, with pilsner not even being near the top of the list.

Classic citrus-hazy profile, very mellow follow-through. Not at all oily or unpleasant.

Light fruit, bright, slightly buttery. Flavor is good but empty in the middle, almost vaporous. Somewhat acrid, uric finish.

Whiskey forward. Light cream stout flavor, hints of cacao and coffee but also a base tartness that comes to be the primary characteristic of the beer. Definitely strong.

Light, citrus, tropical, very hazy. Juicy but not bitter, finishes clean.

Intensely bright and hoppy flavors on top of a chocolatey roast malt. Finishes quite bitter. Something tells me someone who’s into this style would dig it; for me it’s a bit too hoppy.

Lightly sweet, bright raspberry flavors, not tart at all, tempered a bit by a dry funk that immediately follows. Doesn’t finish tacky, exactly, but it’s not clean either.